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Getting Started - NightCrawler

1. Why / Background

  • This is Berkeley Coding Boot Camp (BCBC) project 1 group assignment.
    • The BCBC curriculum generally focuses on JavaScript along with HTML/CSS, using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) software stack, to teach web development skills across the client and server.
  • The "NightCrawler" mobile web-based app came out of the need to enable users to always have viable route options that ensure safety.
    • Imagine a late night out in San Francisco with friends. After the food, drinks and festivities, how do you get home safely? Which route options do you have and how do you determine the best route?
    • Although existing mobile applications provide dynamic navigation, the presented data visuals don't incorporate safety data well.
    • NightCrawler's vision is an enabled user, with safety relevant data-visuals, to make the best decision in selecting from the various route options.

2. What / Objectives / User Stories

  • This project development, from design through deployment of the mobile web-based application, NightCrawler, used web development technologies on the client side, HTML/CSS/DOM/JavaScript, along with various libraries including Bootstrap and jQuery.
  • Data resides in a realtime database, offered by Firebase via Web API
  • Additionally, the following APIs were used to query available maps and crime databases:
    • Google Maps Platform:
      • Static Maps API
      • Maps JavaScript API for Heatmap capability
      • Street View API for Streetview capability
      • Directions API for routes capability
    • DataSF
      • Socrata Open Data API (SODAPI) for San Francisco Data, specific to Police Department Incident Reports
  • User Stories, by categorization:
    • User Interface Design
      • Build map layer as primary view
        • Ensure mobile responsiveness, including scaling based on Apple iPhone X
      • Add secondary hub view popup onto map layer
      • Add user profile view
      • Add components to primary and secondary views
        • Contact options via buttons including 911, ride-sharing and emergency contact?
    • Configure, connect and query data, JSON structured, using APIs:
      • Integrate static map data of San Francisco, queried from Static Maps API, on map layer
      • Store Police Department Incident Reports data, queried from SODAPI, into longitude/lattitude objects
      • Integrate stored Police Department Incident Reports data, into Maps JavaScript API, to render Heatmap on map layer
        • Determine which objects (assault, theft, burglary, robbery, vehicle theft) to include in Heatmap
    • Configure, connect and read/write data from/to Firebase Realtime database
      • Define realtime data requirements for storage of user profile in Firebase

3. How / Design Description

  • The scope of the project fit well into Agile methodology with Scrum and Kanban frameworks. GitHub's built-in tools supported project execution:

    • Projects view leveraged as Kanban board for documenting user stories and overall progress
    • Issues view leveraged as Issue tracking for user stories, features and bug report
    • Project team actively participated in Scrum including daily standups
  • Wireframe Buildout:

    • Interface Description (Bootstrap CSS library, Popper.js library, Font Awesome CSS library, custom CSS styles and HTML to render primary static Map View) - refer to index.html, style.css files along with Bootstrap CSS library
      • Primary static Map View
        • map-layer-primary-view-readme.png
        • Mobile responsiveness for iPhone X mobile platform
        • Header container includes
          • Navbar
            • Navbartoggler to open Settings
            • NightCrawler logo and name
        • Main section container includes jumbotron
          • Mapsearch includes input for searching locations
          • MapFrame
            • Fullscreen toggle, origin input, destination input, radio input for Walking, Transit or Driving, street view and buttons for zoom in and zoom out
          • SOS button opens popup
        • Footer container includes branding quote
      • Heatmap View
        • .png
        • Overlay of crime danger spots
      • Street View
        • street-view-readme.png
        • Images at street level
      • Route View
        • route-view-readme.png
        • Route displayed from origin to destination
      • Settings View
        • settings-readme.png
        • Form fields for Name, Username, Emergency Contact, Remember me checkbox, Log In button, User Options for Option One checkbox and Option Two checkbox
      • SOS Popup
        • sos-popup-readme.png
        • Buttons to submit 911, Lyft and emergency contact
  • Functionality:

    • Design Description (JavaScript, jQuery library, AJAX, Google Maps Platform API, DataSF API, Firebase Realtime Database) - refer to js.js and config.js files.
      • JavaScript design accounts for proper execution context (global and functional), consistent with execution stack with a last in, first out structure. Variables are defined in both global and functional execution contexts. Design includes both named and anonymous functions, specifically using anonymous functions for AJAX promise and prototypes for map function constructor. Overall, a modular design approach has been achieved. JavaScript js.js file is called from script link, just before closing body element within index.html file.
        • jQuery library leveraged, in addition to vanilla DOM manipulation, to select DOM nodes for dynamic updates to interface. Currently, jQuery library is called from script links in both the head and end of body elements within index.html file.
          • DOM manipulation targets the following to enable a dynamic interface: Settings form components, mapFrame components
        • AJAX leveraged for exchanging information and obtaining crime data, JSON structured, using SODAPI; jQuery framework used for AJAX exchange and promise on returned crime data.
      • Configuration, connection to APIs along with query or read/write
        • Google Maps Platform wrappers the following APIs with a single API key
          • Static Maps API- rendering primary static map view on interface
          • Maps JavaScript API for Heatmap capability- reads in the crime data from the SODAPI to generate an overlay of danger zones to avoid on routed options.
            • Relevant modules: initMap, toggleHeatmap, changeGradient, changeRadius, changeOpacity, getPoints
          • Street View API for Streetview capability- renders images of routed options to verify specific neighborhoods
          • Directions API for routes capability- searches for specific locations along with providing dynamic navigation
            • Relevant modules: initMap, AutocompleteDirectionsHandler constructor, setupClickListener prototype, setupPlaceChangedListener prototype, route prototype, calcRoute
        • DataSF SODAPI- query Police Department Incident Reports to retrieve danger zones (assault, theft, burglary, robbery, vehicle theft) and store locations, longitude and lattitude points, in objects.
          • Relevant modules: AJAX/promise, dangerData, sortData, getLongLat, (3) getLongLat- each passes different argument combinations (myLocation, array, radius), mileConverter, kmConverter
        • Firebase Realtime Database- stores name and emergency contact of user
          • Relevant modules: #logInBnt on click listener, database.ref().on watcher,
  • Prerequisites for Development:

    • MacBook Air (Intel Core i7, 2.2 GHz, 1 Processor, 2 Cores, 8GB)
    • Latitude E6430 (Intel Core i7, 3 GHz, 1 Processor, 2 Cores, 8GB)
    • 64 bit operating system
    • git version 2.18.0
    • Visual Studio Code Version 1.29.1
    • GitHub
    • Chrome Version 70.0.3538.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  • Built With:

  • Installing:

    • NightCrawler is a client-side mobile web-based application, using realtime database and API services only, i.e. application doesn't require server
      • For using application, refer to Deployment section below
    • For further development, clone or download application files from GitHub bcbc-project1, which is organized into the following directory structure:
      • /bcbc-project1
        • /assets
          • /css
            • style.css
          • /images
            • backgroundmap.png
            • map-layer-primary-view-readme.png
            • route-view-readme.png
            • settings-dropdown-readme.png
            • sos-popup-readme.png
            • street-view-readme.png
            • TBD heatmap-readme.png
          • /js
            • config.js - private API keys file; ignored by git tracking
            • js.js
        • index.html
        • LICENSE
  • Running the tests:

    • Unit testing & integration testing was informally executed
      • Code reviews of code changes during pull requests were tracked in GitHub Code
      • Peer reviews of user interface rendering and functionality completed by project team
  • Deployment:

    • Deployed on GitHub bcbc-project1 pages
    • Due to API key privacy, developers and users are required to obtain their own API keys in order to further develop or use the application
      • TBD The config.js file must be updated with respective API keys
      • TBD for using app without development, detail out config.js update; account for relative path so app works


  • For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Israel Pena Buenrostro, Swechchha Parajuli, Varvara Kourova, John Kawahara.
  • N/A- See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.



  • Thanks to BCBC program personnel, especially our instructor, David Hallinan, for their guidance on this project.