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XOJO 2022r4 Platforms iOS License MIT


A set of 100+ UI extensions for Xojo iOS framework.

Currently implemented extensions


  • Adjust font size to fit width
  • Adjust font for ContentSize category
  • Backdrop
  • Background color
  • Border color
  • Border width
  • Button insets
  • Button tiled background
  • Corner radius
  • Image insets
  • Image
  • Line break
  • Number of lines
  • Role (iOS14+)
  • Text alignment
  • Title edge insets


  • Load Page
  • Load File
  • Execute Javascript
  • User Agent


  • Adjust font size to fit width
  • Adjust font for ContentSize category


  • Background color
  • Animate Alpha (requires iOSKit)
  • Get Frame
  • Get Bounds
  • Remove Constraints
  • Alpha value
  • Tint Color
  • Stretch to Parent
  • Stretch to View


  • Indicator style


  • On Tint Color


  • Flash scroll indicators
  • Scroll position
  • Scroll to
  • Bounces
  • Indicator style
  • Paging
  • Disable scroll
  • Scrolls to top
  • Horizontal scrollbar visibility
  • Vertical scrollbar visibility


  • Adjust font size to fit width
  • Remove borders
  • Selected color
  • Text color


  • Flash Scroll indicators
  • Disable selection
  • Bounces
  • Hide remaining separators
  • Indicator style
  • Disable scroll
  • Scrolls to top
  • Separator style
  • Unselect table row
  • Scrollbar visibility
  • Section Header Top Padding


  • Adjust font size to fit width
  • Background color
  • Text color
  • Detail text color
  • Change font
  • Selected background color
  • Selected text color
  • Selected detail text color
  • Selection style
  • Text break mode
  • Detail text break mode
  • Text alignment


  • Background color
  • Icon


  • Auto-capitalization
  • Auto-correction
  • Border color
  • Border style
  • Border width
  • Corner radius
  • Keyboard appearance
  • Keyboard Type
  • Icon
  • Placeholder color (requires iOSKit)
  • Return key
  • Text indentation


  • Add Done button to clear focus
  • Auto-correction
  • Scroll position (get and set)
  • Scrolls to top
  • Scroll to specific range in text
  • Selected range (get and set)


  • Add big progress in center
  • Close modal view
  • Hide Navbar shadow
  • Show modal view
  • Background color
  • Background image
  • Corner radius
  • Hide navbar on swipe
  • Large Title display mode
  • Large Titles
  • Navbar color
  • Navbar title image
  • Right To Left Display (Boolean)
  • Tabbar badge
  • Tabbar Button color
  • Tabbar color
  • Pop to root view
  • Preferred content size
  • Pushto and hide Tabbar


  • Maximum track color
  • Minimum track color
  • Maximum value image
  • Minimum value image
  • Thumb color


  • Tint color


  • Display mode
  • Display Fraction
  • Display Width


  • Recolor an icon with a mask
  • Original Image to prevent it from rendering in the tint color
  • Masked version of an image


Version 2.4.2 - Released 2024-02-14

  • New SplitViewExtensionsXC module for iOSSplitView
  • Fixed a few methods

Version 2.4 - Released 2024-01-09

  • New AppExtensionsXC.SetBrightnessXC
  • Fixed a few methods especially SetNavBarTitleColorXC and SetNavBarTintColorXC

Version 2.3 - Released 2022-12-14

  • Updated for Xojo 2022r4
  • Added some Accessibility extensions

Version 2.2 - Released 2022-07-14

  • New ViewExtensionsXC.TransitionWithViewDurationOptionsXC
  • New ViewExtensionsXC.AnimateWithDurationXC
  • New ViewExtensionsXC.LayoutIfNeededXC
  • New ControlExtensionsXC.SetUserInterfaceStyleXC
  • New ImageExtensionsXC.SaveToCameraRollXC

Version 2.1.2 - Released 2022-02-02

  • New iOSMobileTable.SetScrollbarVisibleXC
  • New iOSMobileTable.SetSectionHeaderTopPaddingXC
  • New MobileScrollableArea.SetHorizontalScrollbarVisibleXC
  • New MobileScrollableArea.SetVerticalScrollbarVisibleXC

Version 2.1.1 - Released 2022-02-01

  • Fixed MobileScreen.SetNavBarTitleColorXC
  • Fixed MobileScreen.PushToHideTabBarXC

Version 2.1 - Released 2022-01-09

  • New MobileScreen.ShowSheetXC
  • New SliderExtensionsXC
  • New MobileScreen.SetPreferredContentSizeXC method
  • Updated MobileLabel.AdjustsFontForContentSizeCategoryXC to allow for custom fonts

Version 2.0.5 - Released 2021-10-26

  • New MobileLabel.AdjustsFontForContentSizeCategoryXC
  • New MobileButton.AdjustsFontForContentSizeCategoryXC
  • Fixed MobileUIControl.SetAlphaValueXC

Version 2.0.4 - Released 2021-09-28

  • Fixed MobileScreen.SetNavBarTitleImageXC
  • New example for MobileScreen.SetNavBarTitleImageXC
  • Updated HTMLViewerExtensionsXC.ExecuteJavascriptXC to use a Variant
  • Improved HTMLViewer example

Version 2.0.3 - Released 2021-09-26

  • Fixed Me.SetBackgroundColorXC(aColorGroup)
  • Fixed Me.SetBorderColorXC(aColorGroup)
  • Fixed some deprecations

Version 2.0.2 - Released 2021-09-17

  • New TableSearchExtensionsXC module
  • Added iOSMobileTable.GetSearchFilterIndexXC
  • Added iOSMobileTable.SetSearchActiveXC
  • Added iOSMobileTable.SetSearchFieldTextColorXC (iOS13+)
  • Added iOSMobileTable.SetSearchFiltersXC

Version 2.0.1 - Released 2021-04-20

  • Added NotificationContent.UseDefaultSoundXC

Version 2.0 - Released 2021-04-15

  • Now compatible with Xojo 2020r2+ (iOS Framework API 2)
  • Added MobileButton.SetRoleXC
  • Added MobileDateTimePicker.SetDatePickerStyleXC
  • Added MobileTableCellData.SetTextAlignmentXC
  • Added MobileScreen.SetNavBarTintColorXC
  • Added MobileScreen.SetNavBarTranslucentXC
  • Added MobileScreen.PushToSafariControllerXC

Version 1.8.1 - Released 2021-03-26

  • Added unit testing of each extension method

Version 1.5.1 - Released 2019-02-21

  • New HTMLViewer Function LoadFileXC
  • New iOSView Function isRightToLeftXC

Version 1.5.0 - Released 2019-01-31

  • Added Layer Extensions
  1. Border Color
  2. Border Width
  3. Corner Radius
  4. Shadow
  • Fixed crash on iPad

Version 1.4.0 - Released 2018-08-15

  • Added HTMLViewer Extensions (compatible with UIWebView (<Xojo 2018r2) and WKWebview (>=Xojo 2018r2)
  1. ExecuteJavascript
  2. LoadPage
  3. UserAgent

Version 1.3.1 - Released 2018-05-30

  • Added iOSView.SetToolBarBackgroundColorXC and
  • Added iOSView.SetToolBarColorXC

Version 1.3.1 - Released 2018-05-30

  • Added App.SetWindowColorXC

Version 1.3 - Released 2018-05-27

  • Added scrolling functions to iOSTextArea

Version 1.2 - Released 2018-05-??

  • Added an app icon
  • Fixed GetBoundsXC function
  • Renamed ScrollViewExtensionsXCXC to ScrollViewExtensionsXC
  • Removed Modal Curl transition
  • AdjustFontSizeToFitWidthXC now has an optional lines property to set the amount of lines to display
  • SetTabPageXC to set the current page in a TabBar view
  • GetTabPageXC to get the current page index in a TabBar view
  • SetNavBarTitleColorXC to set the color of the text in the navbar
  • GetiOSVersionXC returns the current iOS version number
  • Table.GetScrollPositionXC returns the current section/row position

Version 1.1 - Released 2018-05-10

  • New modal transition options

Version 1.0 - Released 2018-04-26

Copy-paste the iOSDesignExtensions folder into your project.

Most controls will then have additional methods, all ending with "XC"


Feel free to ask for feature requests!

Made with ❤️ in France

Jeremie LEROY