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Distill the ultimate Blaseball name:

Onomancer lets people submit blaseball names and rate these combinations to distill the ultimate blaseball name. Names are fed through a proprietary* algorithm to generate a full Blaseball player, and can be used to create your own teams to share with friends.

*it's just a seeded RNG


All commands run at project root


python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Database setup

ensure virtualenv has been activated

mkdir data
python -m onomancer.database clean bootstrap load

Database CLI commands

  • clean - drops all tables
  • bootstrap - recreates tables
  • load - loads in a hardcoded list of egg names to seed the DB
  • purge "$name" - removes all records containing this name
  • migrate - performs hardcoded DB migration

Generate Secrets

mkdir data
python -m onomancer.scripts generate_csrf_key generate_mod_key generate_appsecret


ensure virtualenv has been activated

python -m onomancer test

Server will start up at



Onomancer has a public API if you want to use these voted names in your own project.

Get Name


Gets a single name. Same algorithm that serves up names for rating, which is a chance to be a newly formed name or an existing name that's been upvoted.

Rate limit: 25/s


  • with_stats - generate FK stats for this name

Get Names


Gets n fully formed names in alphabetical order.

Rate limit: 10/s


  • threshold - filter names with votes at or above this threshold, default 0
  • limit - page size, default 100
  • offset - page offset, default 0
  • random - returns in random order if set to true, default 0
  • with_stats - generate FK stats for each name

Get Eggs


Gets n individual eggs in alphabetical order.

Rate limit: 10/s


  • threshold - filter names with votes at or above this threshold, default 0
  • limit - page size, default 100
  • offset - page offset, default 0
  • random - returns in random order if set to true, default 0
  • first - filter names annotated as first at or above this threshold, default empty
  • second - filter names annotated as second at or above this threshold, default empty
  • affinity - value between -1.0 and 1.0. Negative prefers first annotations, positive for second annotations. Default 0.

Crawl Names - experimental


Given a name, find like names

Rate limit: 1/s


  • threshold - filter names with votes at or above this threshold, default 0
  • limit - page size, default 100
  • fanout - how many iterations to crawl out, default 2, min 1, max 10

Crawl Eggs - experimental


Given a comma separated list of eggs, find names that are related to the vibe

Rate limit: 1/s


  • q - comma separated list of eggs
  • threshold - filter names with votes at or above this threshold, default 0
  • fanout - how many iterations to crawl out, default 3
  • limit - page size, default 10
  • egg_threshold - minimum votes an egg must have to be considered for the next iteration of fanout

Generate Stats


Rate limit: 50/s

Given any name, use the letters to seed an RNG to generate FK stats.


Rate limit: 50/s

This version properly handles slashes


  • name - Required

Get or Generate Stats


Rate limit: 10/s

Given a name, use the letters to seed an RNG to generate FK stats. If the name exists in Blaseball, returns that player info instead. makes external calls to check for existence, treat with respect


  • name - Required

Get Stats


Rate limit: 5/s

Given a comma separated lst of guids, returns FK stats for all those names.


  • ids (required) - comma separated list of guids

Get Collection


Given the entire share URL or just share code of a Collection, return a JSON blob representing the team with full player stats.

Rate limit: 5/s


  • token - Required. Either the full share URL or just the token (ie everything that comes after shareCollection/ in the share URL). Must be URL encoded.


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