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Access your and edit your registers quickly


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Using vim-plug

Plug 'jmattaa/regedit.vim'


Using packer.nvim


Using lazy.nvim

--- in init.lua:

--- in plugins/regedit.lua:
return {


Use quickmark by typing :Regedit open<cr> this will open a buffer with all of your editable registers

To edit a specific register you can skip listing all the registers and searching through by typing :Regedit <register> for example :Regedit " to edit the " register and Regedit c to edit the c register

If you want to exit and not do anything press escape twice. To see why twice see Expanding commands

Expanding commands

If you are currently editing a register you can expand/execute commands which the output will become the register value.

For example: :Regedit f then press escape to get the execute: and you can for example write expand('%') and you'll get the current buffer name in the f register.

For more run the :help regedit.usage command


To configure the prefix and open keys you can use a snippet that looks like this:

" unset the default mappings 
" if you wan't to configure one or two keys you can skip this
call RegeditMappings.UnsetMappings()

" set prefix key 
let Regedit.KeyPrefix = '<leader>v'
" set the key to open the buffer
" if this is a register it will be overriden
let Regedit.KeyOpen = '%'
let Regedit.KeyClear = '-'

" set our mappings
call RegeditMappings.SetMappings()

Place this in your after folder. In vim you can place it in .vim/after/plugin/regedit.vim In neovim you can place it in nvim/after/plugin/regedit.vim

The keys that you can customize are: Regedi.KeyPrefix: The prefix key Regedit.KeyOpen: The key used to open the regedit buffer Regedit.KeyClear: The key used to clear all of the registers

Default Mappings

Default regedit keys

Prefix key 'r'
Opening window '-'
Clear registers '!'

There is one main key in the regedit default mappings that is the regedit prefix key. By default this is <leader>r which means to edit a certain register you can use <prefix><register> to edit your register.

There is also another key which is important for regedit and it is the Regedit.KeyOpen this is the key after the prefix which will tell regedit to open a buffer by default you can use <prefix>- this will open the buffer

To change these see configure or run :help Regedit.mappings

Keystrokes in regedit window

The default keys you can use to navigate and handle the quickmaps window

Key Action
q Close the buffer list
j Move the cursor one line down
k Move the cursor one line up
Enter Edit the selected register
/<searchterm> To search for a specific searchterm

Move through and search in the buffer as if you'd in a normal vim buffer. The only thing is it's not modifiable. Only one special key to quit the regedit buffer press q and you'll return to the previous open buffer


For more help you can find the full documentation in the regedit docs by running :help regedit



Easily access and edit your vim registers








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