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CHIP setup

Jmaxxz edited this page Oct 21, 2016 · 3 revisions

##How to use this project with a CHIP computer

Flash your chip with the latest OS. I recommend a headless version be used as it should boot faster.

Connect to the chip via UART.

Configure a network connection.

sudo nmcli device wifi connect '(your wifi network name/SSID)' password '(your wifi password)' ifname wlan0

###Install prereqs

sudo apt-get install git

# Install NodeJS 6.x
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

# Noble JS prereqs
sudo apt-get install -y bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev

###Install this project

git clone
cd keymaker/node_tools
npm install
npm run build

Configure environment

# Configure the default environment settings file
cp environment.json.dist environment.json
# Get jwt token
node dst/init_env.js

get jwt token

Use a text editor like nano to replace <token> in your environment.json file with jwt toke returned by init_env.js.

Extra firmware key

The following will only work if you are near a lock you own or have guest access on.

sudo node dst/get_keys_from_lock.js