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Test Output

jmervine edited this page Jul 9, 2012 · 1 revision
    Running with RACK_ENV=test.

    DittyApp < Sinatra::Application
      General Tests [without auth]
        GET /post
          should reject
        POST /post
          should reject
        POST /post/preview
          should reject
      General Tests [without auth]
        GET /
          should accept
          should have analytics
        GET /archive
          should accept
          should have analytics
        GET /:year
          should accept
          should have analytics
        GET /:year/:month
          should accept
          should have analytics
        GET /:year/:month/:day
          should accept
          should have analytics
        GET /tag
          should accept
          should have analytics
        GET /tag/:tag
          should accept
          should have analytics
      General Tests [with auth]
        GET /
          should accept
          should not have analytics
          should have title
          should have tags
          should have contact link
          should have keywords
          should have archives
        GET /post
          should accept
          should not have analytics
          should have title
          should have tags
          should have contact link
        GET /archive
          should accept
          should not have analytics
          should have title
          should have tags
          should have contact link
          should have keywords
          should have archives
        GET /:year
          should accept
          should not have analytics
          should have title
          should have tags
          should have contact link
          should have keywords
          should have archives
        GET /:year/:month
          should accept
          should not have analytics
          should have title
          should have tags
          should have contact link
          should have keywords
          should have archives
        GET /:year/:month/:day
          should accept
          should not have analytics
          should have title
          should have tags
          should have contact link
          should have keywords
          should have archives
        GET /tag
          should accept
          should not have analytics
          should have title
          should have tags
          should have contact link
          should have keywords
          should have archives
        GET /tag/:tag
          should accept
          should not have analytics
          should have title
          should have tags
          should have contact link
          should have keywords
          should have archives
      Less General Tests
        GET /login
          should redirect to the home page
        GET /:title_path
          should load post
          should have description
        GET /post/:id/edit [without auth]
          should reject
        GET /post/:id/edit [with auth]
          should load post edit form
        POST /post/:id/preview [without auth]
          should reject
        POST /post/:id/preview [with auth]
          should load post preivew page
        GET /bad/path
          should redirect
        POST /bad/path
          should redirect home
        BAD /bad/path
          should redirect home
        POST /post
          should have added to the data store
          should load created post
        POST /post/:id
          should have added to the data store
          should have changed updated_at
          should load the updated post
        GET /post/:id/delete [without auth]
          should reject
        GET /post/:id/delete [with auth]
          should have deleted it from data store
          should redirect home
        GET /sitemap.xml
          should be

      create through Post
        should create a tag through a post
        should have post that created it
        should be in post that creaeted it

        should create a Post
        should have a title
        should have a body
        should create a tag that doesn't exist
        should associate the new tag with the post that created it
        should associate the post with the new tag
        should not create a tag that does exist
        should associate the existing tag with the post that tried to created it
        should associate the post with the existing tag
      before_create -> create_title_path
        should create title path
      before_update -> update_title_path
        should update title path

      example at ./spec/lib/helpers/configure_spec.rb:3 (PENDING: No reason given)

        should show created
        should show correct timezone per 'settings.timezone'
        should return blank when post is empty
        should return the body of a post
        should return blank when post is empty
        should return the title of a post
        should return blank when post is empty
        should return a link to an archive page
        should return a hash of all posts
        top level should be years
        second level should be months
        third level should be items
        should build an archive list
          with months as links
          with items as links
        should return a link to a post
        should return an array of months

        should be nil if :authorized?
        should throw :halt if not :authorized?
        should return false if username or password is missing
        should return false if username or password is wrong (PENDING: need to research how to test this)
        should return true if username or password is correct (PENDING: need to research how to test this)

        # No reason given
        # ./spec/lib/helpers/configure_spec.rb:3
      Helper::Application authorized? should return false if username or password is wrong
        # need to research how to test this
        # ./spec/lib/helpers/application_spec.rb:23
      Helper::Application authorized? should return true if username or password is correct
        # need to research how to test this
        # ./spec/lib/helpers/application_spec.rb:26

    Finished in 9.06 seconds
    126 examples, 0 failures, 3 pending
    Coverage report generated for RSpec to /home/jmervine/Development/ditty/coverage. 369 / 382 LOC (96.6%) covered.
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