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Jon-Mailes Graeffe edited this page May 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

The following tutorials assume that you already installed the current MonoGame version (in our case MonoGame 3.7.1). Also, your operating system needs to be Windows in order to use the precompiled binaries of Aether.Extras.

Get the example to work

  1. clone repository containing the AetherAnimationExample project (this one)
git clone
  1. open the project with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 by double-clicking on the AetherAnimationExample.csproj file
  2. compile it, should work out of the box and will look like that:

AetherAnimationExample build

What's next?

Check out the links on the right side of this page. This wiki has some other pages helping with:

  • adding the Aether.Animation library to an existing MonoGame Windows/SharpDX project
  • making compatible animated models in Maya 2019
  • finding new resources helping with creating animated models


The wiki might be extended in the future. If you want to contribute by yourself, feel free to do so!