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System Requirements

Mac OS X (10.7.x, 10.8.x, 10.9.x), intel(64bit/32bit) based.


You can either download the compiled executable file from here or clone the source code and compile it on your own system.


Just build it, it should work (but let me know if you have an errors or warnings).

Current Status

This project is very new. Any issues or bug reports are welcome. And I still don't have time to write a usage guide.

** To do list **

- Should manage a list of database/user/password for each connections
- Should save the password into the keychain
- Create a document editor to edit using an outline view (like the plist editor in Xcode)

** Current **

- Avoid modification while connecting to a secondary node


** 2.6 - april 17, 2014 **

- Support for tengen json
- Progress bar while importing/exporting to/from file
- A lot of fix to convert dates with milliseconds into json and parse dates with milliseconds
- Using more sheets instead of modal panels
- Few crashes fixed
- More checks to make sure a document is parsed correctly (and therefore there is no modification while converting a document into json and parsing again the json)
- Better support for long integer vs integer

** 2.6 beta 6 - january 16, 2014 **

- Using a sheet to remove a connection
- Removing a crash when trying to remove some documents (with the tab)
- Better way to make sure we don't modify a document, and better way to notify it to the user
- Using sheet to add a database or a collection

** 2.6 beta 5 - december 15, 2013 **

- Fixing connexion icon display at launch
- Json export/import working
- A better test to make sure no data are corrupted while editing a document

** 2.6 beta 4 - november 21, 2013 **

- Make sure we don't mixup double and integer type (while editing a document)
- Trying to explain to the user if a document might be changed while editing it

** 2.6 beta 3 - november 21, 2013 **

- Correct support for integer and long integer type (no more mix up)

** 2.5.15 - november 17, 2013 **

- Removing an assert (while editing a document) with too much false positive
- Connection editor window is displayed as a sheet
- Can duplication a connection
- Short cut to delete a connection (command-backspace)

** 2.5.14 - november 16, 2013 **

- Using the ssh-agent when having passphrase (thanks for Nick Brook's help)
- Fix from a bug introduced in 2.5.13(107), problem to tab away the document outline view to the delete button
- Better error reporting for find, update or delete (thanks to Johannes Schriewer)
- Fix for database with no name
- Fix for generating/parsing json with a date with milliseconds
- Adding a preference panel to choose to get beta version (this will support tengen json)
- Dropping support for Mac OS X 10.6.x

** 2.5.13(107) - october 19, 2013 **

- Can type any value without double quote in the search field, it will be replaced by { "_id": "<value>" }
- Adding support for retina display (thanks to Patryk Kasperski)
- Following the strict json for undefined value according to (now, exporting and parsing undefined as { "$undefined": true }
- Fixing a crash when trying to save an invalid json document

** 2.5.12(106) - september 8, 2013 **

- New build to fix the font problem in the query window

** 2.5.11(105) - september 7, 2013 **

- Default port was not set (thanks to undancer)

** 2.5.10(104) - june 11, 2013 **

- Problem to convert a double from bson to json and back to bson (bis)
- Adding support to minKey and maxKey (thanks for castiel's help)

** 2.5.9(103) - june 11, 2013 **

- Problem to convert a double from bson to json and back to bson

** 2.5.8(102) - june 11, 2013 **

- Crash while opening a collection that contains a data (introduced in 2.5.6)

** 2.5.7(101) - june 6, 2013 **

- Drop database/collection default action must be "No"
- New Connection window doesn't use by default
- Double values are truncated while being edited

** 2.5.6(100) - may 19, 2013 **

- Unable to reopen connection window after it is closed
- Horizontal and vertical paddings between "New connection" button and window border must be equal
- Binary should be imported and exported as base64 (instead of hexa)
- Accept queries with objectid between double quotes
- Bug fix when the mongo host port was left with the default value (while using ssh tunneling)
- ssh tunnel is a lot faster to open the connection now

** 2.5.5(99) - march 3, 2013 **

- Problem to modify ssh parameters while editing an existing connection (fields were disabled)
- Multi update checkbox added for updates (thanks to Tom Bocklisch)
- Bug fix to export mongo to sql: crash while exporting
- ObjectId should be in lower case
- Confirm dialog before connection delete (thanks to falsecz)

** 2.5.4(98) - november 1, 2012 **

- Fix to display Undefined values
- Fix to avoid a crasher with disconnecting from a server while using ssh tunneling
- Use ⌘ to avoid the confirmation panel in the remove tab (either while clicking or pressing the return key)

** 2.5.3(97) - september 4, 2012 **

- No more setting for bind address and bind port (bind address is and bind port will be choosen automatically from 40000 or higher)
- Fix for a crasher when the network goes down
- Changing from red to green (except for remove)
- Adding a confirmation dialog correctly when removing all documents
- Some cleanup for the connection editor, thanks to Alex Shteinikov (idooo)

** 2.5.2(96) - july 15, 2012 **

- Fix: Some UTF8 characters became invisible while editing a document
- Fix: Some problems with updating colors while editing
- Open only one document window for each document
- Close all document windows when close a collection
- Fix: Making sure the collection outline selection always match the collection tab selection (to make sure Fred doesn't make any mistake)
- Fix: a blank query will not remove documents anymore. Please use at least '{}'
- Fix: problem to import documents with array in it
- Adding multiple document selection
- Adding document drag

** 2.5.1(95) - june 21, 2012 **

- Fix for (open a second time the same database tab)
- Trying to make sure we don't make a mistake between the tab opened and the selection in the database outline view (special for fred)

** 2.5(94) - may 27, 2012 **

- Fix for the limit and skip field (limited to 9999)
- Adding tabs

** 2.4.19(93) - may 23, 2012 **

- Trying to keep type (integer and float) the same as much as possible (when editing a document)
- Crash fixed when opening a collection with documents that has no "_id" and "name"

** 2.4.18(92) - may 10, 2012 **

- Fix crasher when error
- Fix to use an authenticated database

** 2.4.17(91) - may 5, 2012 **

- Fix to parse binary values
- Fix to parse an hash with $type
- Changing "upset" to "upsert"
- Fix from billybobuk to get the database list when having auth
- Adding header in the data outline view
- Fix to add a document with structures inside an array (

** 2.4.16(90) - jan 29, 2012 **

- Adding autosave for the connection list window
- Adding back the index icon
- Better error message when not having the authorization to get the server status
- Crash fixed when not having the authorization to get the server status

** 2.4.15(89) - dec 30, 2011 **

- Crash fixed when remove all documents :
- Change minimum size of MainMenu window to avoid display bug (thanks ohardy)
- Bug fixes (thanks ohardy)
- Double click on database name collapse or expand item (thanks ohardy)

** 2.4.14(88) - dec 23, 2011 **

- Adding full-screen support (lion only), thanks callumj
- Fix when you don't have the right to get the database list (you need to set the database you want to use in the connection panel)

** 2.4.13(87) - nov 30, 2011 **

- Key order is preserved in a document
- Support for UTF-8
- Fix for Mysql import/export
- Support for symbol type
- fix for the UI selection in the connexion window

** 2.4.12(86) - nov 22, 2011 **

- Problem to update document with boolean values and regexp values

** 2.4.11(85) - nov 22, 2011 **

- Toolbar items are enabled/disabled according to the selection
- Connecting to localhost is not an issue anymore
- Bug to parse json with arrays

** 2.4.10(84) - nov 19, 2011 **

- Bug to add a new connection

** 2.4.9(83) - nov 18, 2011 **

- Changing the NSBundle application id
- Database stats works again
- History combo-box for the criteria
- Fix to use database with an admin user/password

** 2.4.8(82) - nov 1, 2011 **

- Problem to display and parse date types

** 2.4.7(81) - nov 1, 2011 **

- Connections are sorted after being loaded (still not sorted after being updated)
- Adding short cuts to delete a document or an index (Command+delete)
- Adding tooltips for the buttons with short cuts
- Queries are sorted by default
- Problem to display regex and timestamp values in documents

** 2.4.6(80) - oct 28, 2011 **

- Can insert an array of documents
- MapReduce feature working
- Fix for parsing: "$oid":"4E9321AF3768CF514A00000C"}
- Crash when getting stats for some servers
- New outline view for the databases and collections

** 2.4.5(79) - oct 22, 2011 **

- Fix to parse { "empty_array": [], "zob": 1}
- Fix to parse { "empty_hash": {}, "zob": 1}
- Implementing reIndex

** 2.4.4(78) - oct 20, 2011 **

- Can create indexes with the UI
- Can remove indexes with the UI
- Fix to parse { "_id": { "$oid" : "4E9807F88157F608B4000002" }, "_type": "Activity" }
- Fix to edit a document when "_id" is an objectid

** 2.4.3(77) - oct 17, 2011 **

- Fix to parse { "toto" : [ { "1" : 2 }, { "2" : 3 } ] }
- Display errors (if any) when inserting a document
- Display errors (if any) when removing a document
- Fix to remove a document
- Search for updates at each launch

** 2.4.2(76) - oct 15, 2011 **

- Crash fixed when using an authenticated database
- Show all the databases when using authentication
- Use "admin" database when there is no database set for the authentication
- Crash fixed when searching for mongo document with "{ "$oid" : "4E40C5111F85DD1BE9FAF825" }"
- Adding the error message when the search criteria is invalid
- Trying to be nice to complete your criteria. To search for an id, you can either type: 
        * 123
        * "abc"
        * "$oid" : "123"
        * {"$oid" : "123"}
- Adding Command-R in the index view to reload the index list

** [Update 2.4.1(75)] **

- Can do export and import (mysql)

** [Update 2.3.2] **

- Fixed a bug in jsoneditor related to Date() object;
- Add import/export to JSON/CSV functions;
- Add support for ssh access use public key;
- Add a function to remove single record in find query window;
- Fixed a bug to create collection in a database which doesn't have collection;

** [Update 2.3.1] **

- Fixed a bug in jsoneditor related to Date() object;
- Add execution time in find panel;
- Add reconnect support;
- Fixed a bug in remove function.

** [2.3.0] **

- Add mongo stat monitor;
- Add replica set connection support;
- Add reconnect support;
- Add an JSON editor for found results with syntax highlight;
- More flexible query style in find window;
- Fixed long long int value overflow;
- Fixed application crash during open/close connection window.

** [2.2.0] **

- SSH Tunnel connection support;
- Fixed a bug in display ObjectID type fields;
- Fixed some UI bugs;
- Fixed some memory leaks and random crashes;
- Add confirm panel before drop database or collection;
- Run queries in a seperate thread so that won't block the UI;
- Fixed a bug to install on some 10.6.x(64bit) system.

** [2.1.0] **

- Auto expand and collaspe finding results;
- Display Date_t or Timestamp as GMT time format;
- Fixed a bug in display ObjectIds in Array element;
- Import data from mysql database to mongodb;
- Export data from mongodb to mysql database.

** [2.0.9] **

- Add support for;
- Changed update behavior;
- Fixed a bug to detect NumberLong type of BSONElement;
- Fixed a bug in Array type of BSONElement.

** [2.0.8] **

- Fix several UI bugs in Query Window;
- Fix bugs in Find Query and Update Query;
- Fix bugs related to ObjectId;
- Fix copy&paste bugs.

** [2.0.7] **

- Add sparkle framework to check application updates.

** [2.0.6] **

- fixed some UI bugs;
- add admin auth support.


I'd love to include your contributions, friend.

Then send me a pull request!


MongoHub mac native version.






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