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What is next

jocelyn edited this page Jun 22, 2011 · 1 revision

Idea for the future

  • integrate eMIME provided by Javier Velilla
  • add more encoder supports, including MD5,SHA1, ....
  • It would help to have an Eiffel implementation of FartCGI. Maybe porting Goanna to use only EiffelThread, and EiffelNet ?
  • added authentication components, for now we have basic HTTP authorization, but we need better system including openID, OAuth, google connect, facebook connect, ... and whatever could be useful.
  • collaboration to build an Eiffel CMS framework (similar to drupal), so that we can build ever faster a Web site. We would need to think about about to add module.
  • Port some of the Xebra facilities to EiffelWebReloaded (for instance the ASP like features)
  • Involve more Eiffel users from the community for feedback, and eventually specific contribution on existing code.
  • Talk about this solution, so that people can also associate Eiffel, with Web development. Including all the good point from Eiffel.
  • provide more communication functionalities, in order to integrate other services (twitter, xmpp, ... and any services we can think of). This could lead to nice mashups.
  • provide any lib that could be useful such as template engine, Wiki parser, diagram builder, and so on ...

Idea to extend this "server" framework

  • Javascript generation from either Eiffel code, or specific framework. We could design a vision2 subset used to build desktop application and/or generate the counter-part javascript web interface.
  • Tools to help developping RESTful services, and so on ...
  • ... there are so many things we could do ... So for now, let's try to have solid base.
At any time, you can check the Todo-list for idea.
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