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Embedded Systems

Joe O'Regan (K00203642)

Year 3 (2016/17), Semester 7

BSc Computing (Games Design and Development)

Limerick Institute of Technology

Embedded Systems Assignment.

Project working with Arduino shields, looking at how they communicate with the Arduino using SPI and I2C inteface. Simple 2D game implemented, using the Adafruit 2.8" TFT Touchscreen Shield.

  • Highscore stored in EEPROM
  • Touchscreen buttons to control player movement and firing
  • Simple menu interface
  • Player score and countdown timer updated on screen

Game tested using Arduino Uno and Adafruit 2.8" TFT Touch Shield for Arduino.

  • Interface: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
  • Data Range: 0 to 4095
  • Resolution: 320 x 240

Embedded Systems CA - Menu

1. Game Menu

Embedded Systems CA - Level

2a. Game Level

Embedded Systems CA - Level (Old)

2b. Game Level (Older Version)

Embedded Systems CA - Game Over

3. Game Over and High Score saved

Embedded Systems CA - Serial Monitor

4. Serial Monitor


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