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CodeDeploy Trigger

Go Report Card

This handy tool creates a new CodeDeploy deployment for ECS services and Lambda functions and waits until it completes. In case the deployment fails, it tells you why.

It's usually used in conjunction with CI/CD or as a Terraform provisioner.


$ codedeploy-trigger -help
Usage of codedeploy-trigger:
  -appSpecFileName string
        Custom AppSpec file name
  -applicationName string
        CodeDeploy application name
  -containerName string
        ECS container name (if appSpecFileName is unset)
  -containerPort int
        ECS container port (if appSpecFileName is unset)
  -currentVersion string
        Current Lambda function version (if appSpecFileName is unset)
  -deploymentGroupName string
        CodeDeploy deployment group name
  -functionAlias string
        Lambda function alias (if appSpecFileName is unset)
  -functionName string
        Lambda function name (if appSpecFileName is unset)
  -maxWaitDuration duration
        Max wait duration for a deployment to finish (default 30m0s)
  -target string
        Deployment target ("ECS" or "Lambda"; if appSpecFileName is unset)
  -targetVersion string
        Target Lambda function version (if appSpecFileName is unset)
  -taskDefinitionARN string
        ECS task definition ARN (if appSpecFileName is unset)

Install from source

The following command builds and installs codedeploy-trigger into your GOBIN directory (usually ~/go/bin):

go install

AWS client configuration

codedeploy-trigger assumes the environment provides a working AWS client configuration.

export AWS_REGION="eu-central-1"

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="access key ID"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secret access key"
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="token"  # Optional

# Alternatively:
export AWS_PROFILE="your profile"

Terraform snippets

ECS service

You can easily integrate it in your Terraform project using a null_resource which is triggered by a task definition change:

resource "null_resource" "deploy" {
  triggers = {
    task_definition_arn = aws_ecs_task_definition.example.arn

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOT
      codedeploy-trigger \
        -target "ECS" \
        -applicationName "codedeploy-application-name" \
        -deploymentGroupName "codedeploy-deployment-group-name" \
        -taskDefinitionARN "${aws_ecs_task_definition.api.arn}" \
        -containerName "container-name" \
        -containerPort "1337"

Lambda function

You can easily integrate it in your Terraform project using a null_resource which is triggered by a function version change:

resource "null_resource" "deploy" {
  triggers = {
    target_version = aws_lambda_function.example.version

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOT
      codedeploy-trigger \
        -target "Lambda" \
        -applicationName "codedeploy-application-name" \
        -deploymentGroupName "codedeploy-deployment-group-name" \
        -functionName "function-name" \
        -functionAlias "function-alias" \
        -currentVersion "42" \
        -targetVersion "43"