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This program is a node of possibly bigger P2P network, where each node functions both as a server and a client. It maintains a list of known nodes who it tries to connect to and distribute information with. To do that, it sends and receives HTTP requests, handles them and stores received data in .txt files.

To get started, go to root folder and run the following commands:

npm install
npx ts-node entrypoint.ts {{port}}

... where {{port}} is replaced by whichever port you want the server to listen on.

Server automatically generates connection file with a name of peers-{{port}}.txt under connections folder.

This has to be filled manually, separating each peer into a separate line. For example if there is peer running locally on port 3000, a new line has to be added localhost:3000.

Server also generates new transactions and distributes them to other peers, simulating a ledger. Ledger is maintained in blocks-{{port}}.txt file under blocks folder.