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Jim Radford edited this page Sep 17, 2015 · 3 revisions


SuperPutty is a Windows GUI Application that allows the PuTTY SSH Client to be opened in Tabs. Additionally there is support for SCP to transfer files.

SuperPutty is written in C# and runs on any Windows platform supporting the .NET Framework 3.5 or newer.


  • Docking user interface allows personalized workspace and managing multiple PuTTY sessions easy
  • Export/Import session configuration
  • Upload files securely using the scp or sftp protocols
  • Layouts allow for customizing session views
  • Supports PuTTY session configurations including Private Keys
  • Supports SSH, RLogin, Telnet and RAW protocols
  • Supports local shell via MinTTY or [ puttycyg]
  • Supports [ KiTTY]

Project Status

SuperPutty is stable and usable. Please report any bugs in the issue tracker

Build status

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