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Internationalization tool chain for AngularJS


Angular module:
  • Directives that mark translation strings
  • Service that provides the translation engine
Translation toolchain:
  • String extractor, dumps to gettext POT format (Python)
  • gettext PO file to JSON converter (Python)


  1. Annotate HTML (see Examples below), include lib/i19.js
  2. Run extraction (see Usage below)
  3. Edit translation strings (see demo/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/demo.po)
  4. Compile JSON language file (eg demo/locales/en.json) and JavaScript pre-loader
  5. Use the $i19 angular service and switch languages on the fly by calling $i19.set_lang('de')


Some other features:
  • the JSON files with the translation strings can be included in a JS file to be available from the start (think default language) or loaded upon language change (secondary languages)
  • app remains single page - no reload upon language change
  • full support for angular expressions in i18n strings, eg. <b>You have {{credits}} EUR left</b>, with the usual automatic bindings and updates; same for attributes
  • error checking upon compilation: introduction of new {{scope}} or <i1i="template"> references
  • i18n strings can also contain full html ala <a ng-click='do()'>foo</a> (I dont think you would want to use this in general, but experience shows that it might come in handy eventually..)
  • supports i18n IDs (named translation strings), reverts to default string as ID
  • in case this turns out to be a bad idea way in the future, the syntax is easily converted into Chameleon style i18n attributes for offline processing

All in all the above is a pretty standard gettext workflow. The resulting POs are fully GNU gettext compatible, so you can load them e.g. into Google Translation toolkit and work in a nice UI with automatic translation features and thesaurus and what not. On the other hand, this remains an inline i18n solution, so the HTML inevitably gets more cluttered.

Translation Examples

The following examples demonstrate usage of the various i19-* attributes and show the resulting translation data.

Element Content

To translate the content of an HTML element, either use the i19 tag:

<i19>Tag only</i19>
i19 ID Default
Tag only Tag only

or the i19 attribute:

<div i19>Attribute</div>
i19 ID Default
Attribute Attribute

To help translators we strongly suggest giving each translation string a name ("i19 ID") to establish context:

<div i19="product-view-h">With explicit i18n IDs</div>
i19 ID Default
product-view-h With explicit i18n IDs


To translate attributes of HTML nodes, use the i19-attr tag:

<img alt="Translated" i19-attr="alt" />
i19 ID Default
Translated Translated

Again, you should provide a name for the string:

<img alt="Translated too" i19-attr="alt portrait-alt" />
i19 ID Default
portrait-alt Translated too

Multiple attributes can be translated by separating them with commas. You can mix between explicit and implicit i19 IDs:

<img alt="Translated" title="Translated too" i19-attr="alt, title with-another-id" />
i19 ID Default
Translated Translated
with-another-id Translated too

Nested Translations

Sometimes you need to translate elements that are contained in other elements that need to be translated as well. Consider this example:

<p>Click <a href="..">here</a> to continue</p>

While i19 allows you to just include the <a href.. in a translation string, it is less error-prone if the translator does not have to deal with HTML at all. Ideally, she should translate two strings separately:

  • the "here" from the link caption, and
  • the surrounding string, preferably with a placeholder: "Click ${placeholder} to continue"

i19 supports this functionality via the i19-name attribute:

<p i19="outer">Click
    <a i19-name="link-to-next" i19="link-caption">here</a>
    to continue
i19 ID Default Translation notes
outer Click ${link-to-next} to continue  
link-caption here Referenced in 'outer' as ${link-to-next}


i19 has full pluralization support. Just add an Angular Expression as parameter to the i19 ID:

<p i19="newmails(count)">You have {{count}} mail</p>
i19 ID Default Example Translation
newmails(count)[0] You have {{count}} mail You have one new Email.
newmails(count)[1] You have {{count}} mail You have {{count}} new Emails.

Default pluralization rules are automatically included by PyBabel, and the number of available plurals is adjusted per language in the respective PO file. i19 imports the pluralization function from the PO file.


Finally, the translation engine can be accessed programmatically from Javascript:

alert($i19("Hello World"));


alert($i19("You have mail(s)", $scope.count));


If you want Angular-style variable substitution for JavaScript strings, use $interpolate:

function multi_mail() {
    var translated =
        $i19("You have {{count}} mail", $scope.count);
    return $interpolate(translated)($scope);
$scope.mail_counter = 1;
multi_mail() == "You have one Email.";
$scope.mail_counter = 23;
multi_mail() == "You have 23 Emails.";


Install via PIP:

pip install


Create a new Makefile for your project:

# languages to pre-load by including in JavaScript

# other languages available as JSON for delayed loading

# translation domain

# locale directory, will create one sub-directory per language

# HTML sources

# Output: JavaScript file for pre-loading translation strings

# URL prefix for loading language JSON files

include `i19conf`

Initialize the translation file structure once:

make init


Extract strings from source, merge with update existing translations, compile JavaScript and JSON output:


Angular Module

Load the i19.js library from the distribution and the i19dict.js generated by your Makefile, then access the $i19 module in angular:

angular.module('demo', ['i19']).
    controller('ctl', ['$scope', '$i19', function($scope, $i19) {

        // set language

        // get language
        var l = $i19.get_lang(); // default 'en'

        // enable / disable console warnings for missing translations
        $i19.warn_on_missing_strings = false; // default true

        // return default string in case no translation
        // is available; if false, return i18n ID
        $i19.fallback_default = true;

        // to apply fallback_default, you need generate a language change
        // event:



Run i19conf i19.js on the command line to get the full path to the distribution provided i19.js file.


pybabel, make

Future Features

  • Handle multiple occurences of the same translation ID
    • List all filename:lineno
    • Warn if default strings vary
  • JS string extractor
    • Check if pybabel parser can be used
  • Attribute/Tag name converter for Chameloen to verify fall back
  • Manhole with support functions for translators


  • Speed measurements
  • Unittests
  • Integration tests: HTML source files w/ corner cases
  • Documentation