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♿ Kirby + Vue starterkit w/ accessible routing & SEO-friendliness


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⚠️⚠️⚠️ Not maintained anymore! ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Please head over to the Kirby + Vue.js 3 Starterkit for this project's successor.

Accessible Kirby Vue Starterkit

Based on Jakub Medvecký Heretik's Kirby Vue Starterkit. Be sure to check it out!

Key features:

  • 🕶 Modern Kirby folder setup
  • ♿ Accessible routing
  • 🔍 SEO-friendly (server-side generated meta tags)
  • 🔌 Offline-first via service worker
  • 🤝 Shared .env for frontend & backend


This project uses Kirby as a headless CMS at the backend and Vue.js as the frontend UI library. The content is fetched using the Kirby's JSON content representation.

Snippets, templates and their specific JS/CSS from the Kirby Starterkit have been ported to Vue.js Single File Components with the least possible modifications done to the original Starterkit in order to serve as a simple starting point for people wanting to use Vue.js with Kirby.

The project benefits from all the standard tools used in modern frontend development. For more details you may dive into the Vue CLI.

Folder structure

All parts of the website can be handled from the root level.

  • composer.json for package.json dependencies.
  • .env for environment variables accessible from both Kirby and Vue.
  • Vue files are located in src.

The standard Kirby setup is modified to reflect a modern web project.

  • Kirby CMS as well all all other PHP dependencies are located in vendor.
  • public reflects the main entry point of the website. Therefore web servers can only access files based in that directory.


  • Node.js with npm (only required to build the frontend)
  • Kirby requires PHP 7.2+
    • Kirby is not a free software. You can try it for free on your local machine but in order to run Kirby on a public server you must purchase a valid license at


Install npm and composer dependencies.

npm install
composer install

Note: Composer dependencies are tracked in this repository by default. Running composer install isn't necessary.

Serve backend & frontend for development

npm run serve

This command spawns a PHP's built-in web server by Node. Another way to start the PHP built-in server is to run ./serve. You can also serve the backend by a web server of your choice. If done so, please specify hostname and port in the kirby.config.js if they differ from and more importantly set serveKirby to false in the Vue config file.

Compile for production

npm run build

This builds the frontend assets and saves them to the public directory and the index file as a Kirby template to site/templates/default.php.

Finally, deploy your project and point your web server to the public folder.

Made with this template

Station of Commons


  • Vue.js page mixin roughly corresponds to the Kirby's $page object, but only the functionality needed for the starterkit is present.
  • Vue.js components in the src/components folder correspond to Kirby snippets.
  • Vue.js views in the src/views folder correspond to Kirby templates and the routes are being automatically resolved.
    • If you add a new page in Kirby with a new blueprint you also need to manually add a new Vue view here and as well as a new template in the backend to provide the frontend with the data you require.


Big thanks to Jakub Medvecký Heretik for his work on kirby-vue-starterkit!


♿ Kirby + Vue starterkit w/ accessible routing & SEO-friendliness








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