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Thoughts towards a paper about a dynamic contests model

To compile the paper we use remake. The easiest way to install remake is via drat:


(install drat itself with install.packages("drat"))

Compilation requires a reasonably complete LaTeX installation (e.g. MacTeX).

We use the non-CRAN packages callr. This can be installed by remake:


To compile everything, run


parameters can be modified by changing the values in parameters.json

to run the simulation: change to the python directory and run the command


in your terminal

Explanation of parameters in parameters.json

parameter explanation
random_seed the seed for the random number generator
debug if true detailed messages about what is happening ieach gen will be printed
generation_plot if true interactive plots will be shown at the end of each gen\
save_pngs if true png's will be saved of the scatter plots
save_every which generations will be saved to png
initial_plot if true will display an interactive plot after the first gen
trait_bins the number of bins in the trait histogram
final_plot if true will display an interactive plot after the final gens
generations how many generations to run the simulation for
----------------- ---------------------------
time_female_maturity when do the females mature
time_step the delta time for each
N the initial number of nests
K the initial number of individuals
rr_mean the average reproductive power of a nest
rr_sd the standard deviation of reproductive power of a nest
maturation_center the point of inflection for the logistic male maturation function
maturation_width the scale of the logistic male maturation function
growth_param_a see ms.pdf eqn 3,4
growth_param_b see ms.pdf eqn 3,4
initial_mass the mass of the males at time 0
mass_to_energy a male with m mass gets this m * this value starting energy
metabolic_cost_search the cost of searching for nests per timestep
metabolic_cost_occupy the cost of occupying a nest per time step
display_1_cost the cost of escalating to display 1
fight_cost the cost of escalating to a fight
aggression_max the maximum value for aggression allowed
exploration_mean the inital mean value for the distribution of exploration traits
exploration_sd the inital standard deviation for the distribution
exploration_prob_scale exploration = logistic.cdf (exploration trait / this)
mutation_rate chance that a trait will mutate
mutation_sd the standard deviation of a mutation, 0 mean


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