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Releases: johnboiles/obs-mac-virtualcam

Official OBS 26.1 Release 🎉

14 Dec 23:12
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This plugin is now officially a part of OBS 26.1 🎉🎉🎉. Unless you really know what you're doing you probably don't want to use this plugin. If you already have this plugin installed, you should uninstall it before upgrading to OBS 26.1. Simply run:

sudo rm -rf /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/obs-mac-virtualcam.plugin
sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-mac-virtualcam

Then head over to the OBS Studio GitHub to get the latest release.

Crash fix & namespace collision fix

27 Nov 07:03
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Two releases in a day! I felt particularly motivated to jam on this today 💪

In addition to the Apple Silicon universal build in v1.3.0, this version contains:

Universal DAL plugin binary (for Apple Silicon)

26 Nov 23:57
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Adds support for a DAL plugin that can run on Apple Silicon! This allows you lucky M1 Mac owners to use this plugin with native ARM Mac apps.

See issue #239 and PR #240 for more details.

Potential fix for the skewed output bug

21 Oct 18:34
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If the plugin is working fine for you as is, it's not really necessary to install this release -- it won't change much for you. However, if you are experiencing the skewed output bug from #160, please install this and see if it makes your situation better! Here's what's in this release:

  • Possible fix (#230) for the the skewed output bug (#160) that some people have experienced.
  • Typo fix in the test card (I misspelled Mirrored!). Thanks @simoneves for catching that!
  • Fix for an incorrect return value. This could theoretically cause a crash in OBS, but I'm not sure that anyone ever experienced it. Thanks @niw!

Better support for different resolution and FPS values!

28 May 22:41
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Since the last release there are two new things we've done that should hopefully improve compatibility with apps:

  • We now pass the FPS value from OBS to the DAL plugin so it will be correctly advertised to the host application. This will (hopefully) fix compatibility in apps that are sensitive to timing. See also #148.
  • The test card now will default to whatever resolution and FPS was last sent from OBS. This might make things work a little better for apps that struggle with changing video formats. Thanks @gxalpha for doing this in #149!
    • As a part of this we also made the test card scale gracefully (we hide the text for resolutions smaller than 720p)

Support all the resolutions!

27 May 00:33
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Two releases in one day! I didn't expect to fix this one so fast!

There was a bug (#135) where resolutions with certain dimensions would produce garbled video (fixed in #144). While this didn't effect 'standard' resolutions like 1920x1080, 1280x720, 640x480, etc it still tripped people up regularly.

This release fixes that issue (hopefully). Please open an issue if it doesn't.

Fixed QuickTime recording

26 May 19:56
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This is a small release that contains the fix for #91 (QuickTime video recording only records a couple frames). But perhaps it will fix issues with other apps as well. See #133 for the details of the change; it basically changes how this plugin communicates timing.

Support for macOS versions down to High Sierra

14 May 12:13
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The plugin now also supports macOS 10.13 High Sierra and 10.14 Mojave 🎉Special thanks to @jasongrout for helping to make this happen with #94.

NOTE: If you've already installed an older version of this plugin, you may need to:

  • Delete the existing plugin (sudo rm -rf /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/obs-mac-virtualcam.plugin) (see #128 for more details)
  • Then restart your computer for the changes to take affect (please help us by reporting on whether you had to reboot or not in #109).

We'll fix this for future versions.

Please keep in mind that some issues may still occur with older versions of macOS, please report them in the issues section if you find them.

First Official Release 🎉

12 May 17:11
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First official distribution of the macOS OBS Virtual Camera 🎉! Some notable features:

  • Apple CoreMediaIO DAL plugin for creating a virtual webcam based on johnboiles/coremediaio-dal-minimal-example
  • Support for multiple resolutions (though you might need to restart OBS for it to work)
  • Includes an animated test card when OBS or the Virtual Camera are not running (see also #34)
  • Signed .pkg installer for easy installation and use with existing versions of OBS

Install from the usual sources. Then download and run the .pkg installer. This will install the OBS plugin in /Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-mac-virtualcam and the DAL plugin in /Library/CoreMediaIO/Plug-Ins/DAL/obs-mac-virtualcam.plugin