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Extend json backend as needed by XenAPI docs
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Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <>
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robhoes committed Feb 18, 2015
1 parent 2de33c6 commit fdf45c6
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Showing 2 changed files with 121 additions and 24 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions ocaml/idl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -526,3 +526,11 @@ let string_of_doc_tag = function
| Snapshots -> "snapshots"
| Networking -> "networking"

let string_of_lifecycle_transition = function
| Prototyped -> "prototyped"
| Published -> "published"
| Extended -> "extended"
| Changed -> "changed"
| Deprecated -> "deprecated"
| Removed -> "removed"

137 changes: 113 additions & 24 deletions ocaml/idl/json_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,20 +62,49 @@ let rec string_of_json n = function

(* Datamodel *)

let rec string_of_ty ty =
let rec string_of_ty_with_enums ty =
match ty with
| String -> "string"
| Int -> "int"
| Float -> "float"
| Bool -> "bool"
| DateTime -> "datetime"
| Enum (name, _) -> "enum " ^ name
| Set (ty) -> (string_of_ty ty) ^ " set"
| Map (ty1, ty2) -> Printf.sprintf "(%s -> %s) map" (string_of_ty ty1) (string_of_ty ty2)
| Ref r -> r ^ " ref"
| Record r -> r ^ " record"

let fields_of_obj obj =
| String -> "string", []
| Int -> "int", []
| Float -> "float", []
| Bool -> "bool", []
| DateTime -> "datetime", []
| Enum (name, kv) -> "enum " ^ name, [name, kv]
| Set (ty) ->
let s, e = string_of_ty_with_enums ty in
s ^ " set", e
| Map (ty1, ty2) ->
let s1, e1 = string_of_ty_with_enums ty1 in
let s2, e2 = string_of_ty_with_enums ty2 in
Printf.sprintf "(%s -> %s) map" s1 s2, e1 @ e2
| Ref r -> r ^ " ref", []
| Record r -> r ^ " record", []

let string_of_qualifier = function
| RW -> "read/write"
| StaticRO | DynamicRO -> "read only"

let rec string_of_default = function
| VString x -> "\"" ^ x ^ "\""
| VInt x -> Int64.to_string x
| VFloat x -> string_of_float x
| VBool x -> string_of_bool x
| VDateTime x -> Date.to_string x
| VEnum x -> x
| VMap x -> Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (String.concat ", " ( (fun (a, b) -> Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s" (string_of_default a) (string_of_default b)) x))
| VSet x -> Printf.sprintf "{%s}" (String.concat ", " ( string_of_default x))
| VRef x -> if x = "" then "Null" else x

let jarray_of_lifecycle lc =
JArray ( (fun (t, r, d) ->
JObject [
"transition", JString (string_of_lifecycle_transition t);
"release", JString r;
"description", JString d;
) lc)

let fields_of_obj_with_enums obj =
let rec flatten_contents contents =
List.fold_left (fun l -> function
| Field f -> f :: l
Expand All @@ -84,33 +113,93 @@ let fields_of_obj obj =
let fields = flatten_contents obj.contents in
let fields = List.filter (fun f -> not f.internal_only) fields in (fun field ->
List.fold_left (fun (fields, enums) field ->
let ty, e = string_of_ty_with_enums field.ty in
JObject (
("name", JString field.field_name) ::
("description", JString field.field_description) ::
("type", JString ty) ::
("qualifier", JString (string_of_qualifier field.qualifier)) ::
("tag", JString (match field.field_doc_tags with [] -> "" | t :: _ -> string_of_doc_tag t)) ::
("lifecycle", jarray_of_lifecycle field.lifecycle) ::
match field.default_value with Some d -> ["default", JString (string_of_default d)] | None -> []
) :: fields,
enums @ e
) ([], []) fields

let jarray_of_result_with_enums = function
| None -> JArray [JString "void"], []
| Some (t, d) ->
let t', enums = string_of_ty_with_enums t in
JArray [JString t'; JString d], enums

let jarray_of_params_with_enums ps =
let params, enums = List.fold_left (fun (params, enums) p ->
let t, e = string_of_ty_with_enums p.param_type in
JObject [
"type", JString t;
"name", JString p.param_name;
"doc", JString p.param_doc;
] :: params,
enums @ e
) ([], []) ps in
JArray (List.rev params), enums

let jarray_of_errors es =
JArray ( (fun e ->
JObject [
"name", JString field.field_name;
"description", JString field.field_description;
"type", JString (string_of_ty field.ty);
"tag", JString (match field.field_doc_tags with [] -> "" | t :: _ -> string_of_doc_tag t);
"name", JString e.err_name;
"doc", JString e.err_doc;
) fields
) es )

let messages_of_obj obj =
let jarray_of_roles = function
| None -> JArray []
| Some rs -> JArray ( (fun s -> JString s) rs)

let messages_of_obj_with_enums obj =
let msgs = List.filter (fun m -> not m.msg_hide_from_docs) obj.messages in (fun msg ->
List.fold_left (fun (msgs, enums) msg ->
let result, enums1 = jarray_of_result_with_enums msg.msg_result in
let params, enums2 = jarray_of_params_with_enums msg.msg_params in
JObject [
"name", JString msg.msg_name;
"description", JString msg.msg_doc;
"result", result;
"params", params;
"errors", jarray_of_errors msg.msg_errors;
"roles", jarray_of_roles msg.msg_allowed_roles;
"tag", JString (match msg.msg_doc_tags with [] -> "" | t :: _ -> string_of_doc_tag t);
"lifecycle", jarray_of_lifecycle msg.msg_lifecycle;
] :: msgs,
enums @ enums1 @ enums2
) ([], []) msgs

let jarray_of_enums enums =
JArray ( (fun (name, vs) ->
JObject [
"name", JString name;
"values", JArray ( (fun (v, d) -> JObject [
"name", JString v;
"doc", JString d;
]) vs);
) msgs
) enums)

let _ =
let api = Datamodel.all_api in
let objs = objects_of_api api in
let json = JArray ( (fun obj ->
let fields, enums1 = fields_of_obj_with_enums obj in
let messages, enums2 = messages_of_obj_with_enums obj in
let enums = Listext.List.setify (enums1 @ enums2) in
JObject [
"name", JString;
"fields", JArray (fields_of_obj obj);
"messages", JArray (messages_of_obj obj);
"description", JString obj.description;
"fields", JArray fields;
"messages", JArray messages;
"enums", jarray_of_enums enums;
"lifecycle", jarray_of_lifecycle obj.obj_lifecycle;
) objs) in
print_endline (string_of_json 0 json)
Expand Down

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