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Glue code between popular android libraries. Ready to use implementations for Picasso, NewRelic, Espresso, Priority-Jobqeue, Java Logging


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Gluten is what it all holds together. This is the glue code between popular android libraries.


compile ('') {
    // exclude some dependencies because it was build as java not android project
        exclude group: 'org.robolectric'

or grab from build folder and put in your libs:

compile files('libs/android-gluten-0.2-16-gfbf52e4.jar')


Why glue together your Activity and Fragments with the xml file manually? Keep the names in sync and it will be done for you.

Simple extend from one of:


both will do setContentView in onCreate / inflateView in onCreateView based on their name using lowercase and underscores instead of CamelCase.

So: DashboardStatisticsActivity must have a layout file dashboard_statistics_activity.xml it also searches for dashboard_statistics.xml and dashboard.xml

They also try to inflate the menu based on same names in menu folders!

If this is too dangerous for you because of changing names, you could also: Just annotate your class:

public class MyActivity extends AutoLayoutActivity

or with fragment:

public class MyFragment extends AutoLayoutFragment


Runtime safe version of the Phrase class

Usage: Same as Phrase:


Will not crash if elements are not found. Will do a wtf log instead (when combined with Crashlytics logger this would still send the stacktrace so you can fix it easily with next version).

Just another logging framework

multiple combinable logging classes. Combine local logging with rolling file logging with Crashlytcs with NewRelic...

LogCatLogger : writes to android.util.log

FileLogger : writes rotating log files with java.util.logging (get content written via FileLogger.getLogFileContent() if needed)

SilentLogger: does not log (implements same interface as above, can be used to disable logging)

AsyncLogger : moves all logging into background thread (might be useful in combination with FileLogger)

UncaughtExceptionLogger: registers as exception handler in system and reports those exceptions to logfile

CrashlyticsLogger: sends exceptions that where logged to crashlytics as caught crash)

NewRelicLogger: sends exceptions that where logged to NewRelic as Network errors (there is no better way for now in API)

Log : has the same "interface" as android.util.Log so that only the package has to be changed with one additional initializer method: Log.initLogger() excepts any of the loggers above


Log.initLogger(new LogCatLogger()) writes to console (default)

Log.initLogger(new FileLogger(context, new LogCatLogger())) writes to files + console

Log.initLogger(new UncaughtExceptionLogger(new FileLogger(context))) writes logs and uncaught crashes to file

Log.initLogger(new AsyncLogger(new FileLogger(new CrashlyticsLogger(new LogCatLogger())))); writes async to file and crashlytics and logcat

Log.initLogger(new SilentLogger()) disables logging

Or simply create the UberLog:

                new NewRelicLogger(
                        new CrashlyticsLogger(
                                new LogCatLogger(
                                        new UncaughtExceptionLogger(
                                                new AsyncLogger(
                                                        new FileLogger(context)))))));

New Relic Tracer for Retrofit

New Relic is an app monitoring tool. It can log HTTP results for HttpUrlConnection and Apache and is supposed to support OkHttp since release 264 but seems to have some problems. So here are alternative trace implementations


set a profiler when building the RestAdapter:

return new RestAdapter.Builder()
            .setProfiler(new TracedRetrofitProfiler(new NewRelicTracer()));

if you also want the body (on erorrs only) be logged to NewRelic you have to use wrap the client, the profiler does not work:

return new RestAdapter.Builder()
            .setClient(new TracedRetrofitClient(
                    new OkHttpClient(), // or whatever you use
                    new NewRelicTracer()));

Small helpers

check out helper classes

StreamUtils.copy(inputstream, outputstream)

Closeables.closeQuietly(stream1, stream2,...)

ViewUtils.hideView(view1, view2,..)
ViewUtils.showView(view1, view2,..)
ViewUtils.removeView(view1, view2,..)
ViewUtils.showOrHide(condition, view1, view2...)
ViewUtils.showOrRemove(condition, view1, view2...)

Licensed under MIT license (c) 2014 Danny Preussler

This software binds to other software, please acknowledge those copyrights or make sure to exclude them at compile time: Espresso and Android Copyright Google Inc. OkHTTP, Picasso, Phrase Copyright Square, Inc. Crashlytics, Copyright Crashlytics New Relic, Copyright New Relic, Inc.


Glue code between popular android libraries. Ready to use implementations for Picasso, NewRelic, Espresso, Priority-Jobqeue, Java Logging







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