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johnlemon93 edited this page Sep 8, 2018 · 3 revisions

Tiki2 Requirements

Let's imagine an interview between you as the Product Owner and your customers at Tiki company. After being tired of ton of your questions, here are what you've got.

Functional Requirements

As a seller I would like to

  • Add, update or remove my products to the list.
  • Add, udpate or remove attributes to a product kind.
  • Group my products to categories.

As a marketing staff I would like to

  • Add and notify buyers about new deals or special offers.

As a buyer I would like to

  • Easily shop online and able to buy products overseas.
  • Be recommended by the system for products that I want to buy or related product I did buy before.
  • Have my wishlist.

Non-functional Requirements

You also got some non-functional requirements from them:

  • In the first beta release, the system should be able to handle about 10000 users per day.
  • Deploying new version should not affect uptime of the system and user experience.

And your dev-team also said:

  • We don't want to be limited of which technologies we use to develop the services and databases.
  • A small team can easily maintain a part of the system. This is helpful when we want to expand the current team.
  • We love Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD).