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License Information

johnmay edited this page Jan 20, 2013 · 33 revisions

Metingear is licensed under the Lesser General Public License 3.0

Direct Dependencies

We acknowledge and give notice to the following libraries and their licenses. Each Metingear module contains a ./NOTICE file which details the specific libraries utilised by that module directly and indirectly. Each module has copies of the required licenses in the META-INF/licenses/ folder of the jar or project. If you find a mistake in the license information presented here or within the source code please contact John May and it will be amended.

IMPORTANT: Metingear currently utilises the proprietary CPLEX optimization library. As such the CPLEX library is not distributed with Metingear but is not required for core functionality or running. If you which to use the features requiring CPLEX and are an academic a license and the library can be obtained via the IBM Academic Initiative

The following libraries are distributed with Metginear and are required to run. Any dependencies required by these libraries are also distributed:

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