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John May edited this page May 2, 2013 · 14 revisions

This table details the current primary compartments that can be specified in Metingear. The code is a unique abbreviation that can be used when entering a reaction equations (see. Creating Metabolic Entities). The list is derived from the table of experimentall verified models from UCSD. Some synonyms are deliberately broad, such as, cell which is resolved as cytoplasm to ensure something can be assigned.

Name Code Synonyms GO Term
cytoplasm c in, cytosol, internal species, cytoplasm matrix, cell GO:0005737
periplasm p periplasmic space GO:0042597
outer membrane-bounded periplasmic space ombp outer membrane-enclosed periplasmic space GO:0030288
cell wall-bounded periplasmic space cwbp cell wall-enclosed periplasmic space GO:0030287
extracellular e extracellular region, Out, Extra_Organism, External_Species, External GO:0005576
golgi g golgi apparatus, golgi complex, golgi ribbon GO:0005794
lysosome l GO:0005764
glycosome y GO:0020015
glyoxysome w GO:0009514
peroxisome x peroxisomal, peroxisome vesicle GO:0005777
mitochondrion m mitochondria, mitochondrium GO:0005739
nucleus n cell nucleus GO:0005634
endoplasmic reticulum r er GO:0005783
chloroplast h GO:0009507
apicoplast a GO:0020011
glyoxysomes o
plastid s GO:0009536
thylakoid t photosynthetic membrane GO:0009579
vacuole v vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y GO:0005773
flagellum f GO:0019861
unknown unk empty string is considered unknown
golgi membrane gm GO:0000139
mitochondrial membrane mm GO:0031966
nuclear membrane nm GO:0031965
plasma membrane pm plasmalemma, juxtamembrane, inner endospore membrane, cytoplasmic membrane, cell membrane, bacterial inner membrane, plasma membrane lipid bilayer GO:0005886
endoplasmic reticulum membrane rm er Membrane GO:0005789
vacuolar membrane vm GO:0005774
peroxisomal membrane xm peroxisome membrane GO:0005778
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