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johoelzl committed Feb 28, 2019
1 parent 2f21158 commit c83c049
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Showing 3 changed files with 342 additions and 1 deletion.
244 changes: 244 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,14 @@ by refine {to_fun := λc, ⟨f c, h c⟩, ..}; intros; apply set_coe.ext; simp
@[simp] theorem cod_restrict_apply (p : submodule α β) (f : γ →ₗ[α] β) {h} (x : γ) :
(cod_restrict p f h x : β) = f x := rfl

@[simp] lemma comp_cod_restrict (p : submodule α γ) (h : ∀b, f b ∈ p) (g : δ →ₗ[α] β) :
(cod_restrict p f h).comp g = cod_restrict p (f.comp g) (assume b, h _) :=
ext $ assume b, rfl

@[simp] lemma subtype_comp_cod_restrict (p : submodule α γ) (h : ∀b, f b ∈ p) :
p.subtype.comp (cod_restrict p f h) = f :=
ext $ assume b, rfl

def inverse (g : γ → β) (h₁ : left_inverse g f) (h₂ : right_inverse g f) : γ →ₗ[α] β :=
by dsimp [left_inverse, function.right_inverse] at h₁ h₂; exact
⟨g, λ x y, by rw [← h₁ (g (x + y)), ← h₁ (g x + g y)]; simp [h₂],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,6 +438,9 @@ le_antisymm
lemma map_comap_subtype : map p.subtype (comap p.subtype p') = p ⊓ p' :=
ext $ λ x, ⟨by rintro ⟨⟨_, h₁⟩, h₂, rfl⟩; exact ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, λ ⟨h₁, h₂⟩, ⟨⟨_, h₁⟩, h₂, rfl⟩⟩

lemma eq_zero_of_bot_submodule : ∀(b : (⊥ : submodule α β)), b = 0
| ⟨b', hb⟩ := subtype.eq $ show b' = 0, from (mem_bot α).1 hb

variables (α)
def span (s : set β) : submodule α β := Inf {p | s ⊆ p}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,6 +483,9 @@ end
@[simp] lemma span_empty : span α (∅ : set β) = ⊥ :=
( α β).gc.l_bot

@[simp] lemma span_univ : span α (univ : set β) = ⊤ :=
eq_top_iff.2 $ le_def.2 $ subset_span

lemma span_union (s t : set β) : span α (s ∪ t) = span α s ⊔ span α t :=
( α β).gc.l_sup

Expand All @@ -494,6 +508,11 @@ begin
{ simp [-mem_coe]; exact λ a x i hi, ⟨i, smul_mem _ a hi⟩ },

lemma mem_supr_of_mem {ι : Sort*} {b : β} (p : ι → submodule α β) (i : ι) (h : b ∈ p i) :
b ∈ (⨆i, p i) :=
have p i ≤ (⨆i, p i) := le_supr p i,
@this b h

@[simp] theorem mem_supr_of_directed {ι} (hι : nonempty ι)
(S : ι → submodule α β)
(H : ∀ i j, ∃ k, S i ≤ S k ∧ S j ≤ S k) {x} :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -922,6 +941,10 @@ by rw [of_le, ker_cod_restrict, ker_subtype]
lemma range_of_le (p q : submodule α β) (h : p ≤ q) : (of_le h).range = comap q.subtype p :=
by rw [← map_top, of_le, linear_map.map_cod_restrict, map_top, range_subtype]

lemma disjoint_iff_comap_eq_bot (p q : submodule α β) :
disjoint p q ↔ comap p.subtype q = ⊥ :=
by rw [eq_bot_iff, ← map_le_map_iff p.ker_subtype, map_bot, map_comap_subtype]; refl

/-- If N ⊆ M then submodules of N are the same as submodules of M contained in N -/
def map_subtype.order_iso :
((≤) : submodule α p → submodule α p → Prop) ≃o
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1136,12 +1159,28 @@ def of_top (p : submodule α β) (h : p = ⊤) : p ≃ₗ[α] β :=
@[simp] theorem of_top_symm_apply (p : submodule α β) {h} (x : β) :
↑((of_top p h).symm x) = x := rfl

lemma eq_bot_of_equiv (p : submodule α β) (e : p ≃ₗ[α] (⊥ : submodule α γ)) :
p = ⊥ :=
refine bot_unique (submodule.le_def'.2 $ assume b hb, (submodule.mem_bot α).2 _),
have := e.symm_apply_apply ⟨b, hb⟩,
rw [← e.coe_apply, submodule.eq_zero_of_bot_submodule ((e : p →ₗ[α] (⊥ : submodule α γ)) ⟨b, hb⟩),
← e.symm.coe_apply, linear_map.map_zero] at this,
exact congr_arg (coe : p → β) this.symm

end ring

section comm_ring
variables [comm_ring α] [add_comm_group β] [add_comm_group γ] [add_comm_group δ]
variables [module α β] [module α γ] [module α δ]
include α
open linear_map

def smul_of_unit (a : units α) : β ≃ₗ[α] β :=
of_linear ((a:α) • 1 : β →ₗ β) (((a⁻¹ : units α) : α) • 1 : β →ₗ β)
(by rw [smul_comp, comp_smul, smul_smul, units.mul_inv, one_smul]; refl)
(by rw [smul_comp, comp_smul, smul_smul, units.inv_mul, one_smul]; refl)

def congr_right (f : γ ≃ₗ[α] δ) : (β →ₗ[α] γ) ≃ₗ (β →ₗ δ) :=
Expand All @@ -1152,8 +1191,27 @@ of_linear

end comm_ring

section field
variables [field α] [add_comm_group β] [add_comm_group γ] [add_comm_group δ]
variables [module α β] [module α γ] [module α δ]
variable (β)
open linear_map

def smul_of_ne_zero (a : α) (ha : a ≠ 0) : β ≃ₗ[α] β :=
smul_of_unit $ units.mk0 a ha

end field

end linear_equiv

namespace equiv
variables [ring α] [add_comm_group β] [module α β] [add_comm_group γ] [module α γ]

def to_linear_equiv (e : β ≃ γ) (h : is_linear_map α (e : β → γ)) : β ≃ₗ[α] γ :=
{ add := h.add, smul := h.smul, .. e}

end equiv

namespace linear_map
variables [ring α] [add_comm_group β] [add_comm_group γ] [add_comm_group δ]
variables [module α β] [module α γ] [module α δ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1199,4 +1257,190 @@ noncomputable def sup_quotient_equiv_quotient_inf (p p' : submodule α β) :
change y - (y + z) ∈ p', rwa [sub_add_eq_sub_sub, sub_self, zero_sub, neg_mem_iff]
end }

section pi
universe i
variables {φ : ι → Type i}
variables [∀i, add_comm_group (φ i)] [∀i, module α (φ i)]

/-- `pi` construction for linear functions. From a family of linear functions it produces a linear
function into a family of modules. -/
def pi (f : Πi, γ →ₗ[α] φ i) : γ →ₗ[α] (Πi, φ i) :=
⟨λc i, f i c,
assume c d, funext $ assume i, (f i).add _ _, assume c d, funext $ assume i, (f i).smul _ _⟩

@[simp] lemma pi_apply (f : Πi, γ →ₗ[α] φ i) (c : γ) (i : ι) :
pi f c i = f i c := rfl

lemma ker_pi (f : Πi, γ →ₗ[α] φ i) : ker (pi f) = (⨅i:ι, ker (f i)) :=
by ext c; simp [funext_iff]; refl

lemma pi_eq_zero (f : Πi, γ →ₗ[α] φ i) : pi f = 0 ↔ (∀i, f i = 0) :=
by simp only [linear_map.ext_iff, pi_apply, funext_iff]; exact ⟨λh a b, h b a, λh a b, h b a⟩

lemma pi_zero : pi (λi, 0 : Πi, γ →ₗ[α] φ i) = 0 :=
by ext; refl

lemma pi_comp (f : Πi, γ →ₗ[α] φ i) (g : δ →ₗ[α] γ) : (pi f).comp g = pi (λi, (f i).comp g) :=

/-- Linear projection -/
def proj (i : ι) : (Πi, φ i) →ₗ[α] φ i :=
⟨ λa, a i, assume f g, rfl, assume c f, rfl ⟩

@[simp] lemma proj_apply (i : ι) (b : Πi, φ i) : (proj i : (Πi, φ i) →ₗ[α] φ i) b = b i := rfl

lemma proj_pi (f : Πi, γ →ₗ[α] φ i) (i : ι) : (proj i).comp (pi f) = f i :=
ext $ assume c, rfl

lemma infi_ker_proj : (⨅i, ker (proj i) : submodule α (Πi, φ i)) = ⊥ :=
bot_unique $ submodule.le_def'.2 $ assume a h,
simp only [mem_infi, mem_ker, proj_apply] at h,
exact (mem_bot _).2 (funext $ assume i, h i)

variables (α φ)
def infi_ker_proj_equiv {I J : set ι} [decidable_pred (λi, i ∈ I)]
(hd : disjoint I J) (hu : set.univ ⊆ I ∪ J) :
(⨅i ∈ J, ker (proj i) : submodule α (Πi, φ i)) ≃ₗ[α] (Πi:I, φ i) :=
refine linear_equiv.of_linear
(pi $ λi, (proj (i:ι)).comp (submodule.subtype _))
(cod_restrict _ (pi $ λi, if h : i ∈ I then proj (⟨i, h⟩ : I) else 0) _) _ _,
{ assume b,
simp only [mem_infi, mem_ker, funext_iff, proj_apply, pi_apply],
assume j hjJ,
have : j ∉ I := assume hjI, hd ⟨hjI, hjJ⟩,
rw [dif_neg this, zero_apply] },
{ simp only [pi_comp, comp_assoc, subtype_comp_cod_restrict, proj_pi, dif_pos, subtype.val_prop'],
ext b ⟨j, hj⟩, refl },
{ ext ⟨b, hb⟩,
apply subtype.coe_ext.2,
ext j,
have hb : ∀i ∈ J, b i = 0,
{ simpa only [mem_infi, mem_ker, proj_apply] using (mem_infi _).1 hb },
simp only [comp_apply, pi_apply, id_apply, proj_apply, subtype_apply, cod_restrict_apply],
{ rw [dif_pos h], refl },
{ rw [dif_neg h],
exact (hb _ $ (hu trivial).resolve_left h).symm } }

variable [decidable_eq ι]

/-- `diag i j` is the identity map if `i = j` otherwise it is the constant 0 map. -/
def diag (i j : ι) : φ i →ₗ[α] φ j :=
@function.update ι (λj, φ i →ₗ[α] φ j) _ 0 i id j

lemma update_apply (f : Πi, γ →ₗ[α] φ i) (c : γ) (i j : ι) (b : γ →ₗ[α] φ i) :
(update f i b j) c = update (λi, f i c) i (b c) j :=
by_cases j = i,
{ rw [h, update_same, update_same] },
{ rw [update_noteq h, update_noteq h] }


variable [decidable_eq ι]
variables (α φ)

/-- Standard basis -/
def std_basis (i : ι) : φ i →ₗ[α] (Πi, φ i) := pi (diag i)

lemma std_basis_apply (i : ι) (b : φ i) : std_basis α φ i b = update 0 i b :=
by ext j; rw [std_basis, pi_apply, diag, update_apply]; refl

@[simp] lemma std_basis_same (i : ι) (b : φ i) : std_basis α φ i b i = b :=
by rw [std_basis_apply, update_same]

lemma std_basis_ne (i j : ι) (h : j ≠ i) (b : φ i) : std_basis α φ i b j = 0 :=
by rw [std_basis_apply, update_noteq h]; refl

lemma ker_std_basis (i : ι) : ker (std_basis α φ i) = ⊥ :=
ker_eq_bot.2 $ assume f g hfg,
have std_basis α φ i f i = std_basis α φ i g i := hfg ▸ rfl,
by simpa only [std_basis_same]

lemma proj_comp_std_basis (i j : ι) : (proj i).comp (std_basis α φ j) = diag j i :=
by rw [std_basis, proj_pi]

lemma proj_std_basis_same (i : ι) : (proj i).comp (std_basis α φ i) = id :=
by ext b; simp

lemma proj_std_basis_ne (i j : ι) (h : i ≠ j) : (proj i).comp (std_basis α φ j) = 0 :=
by ext b; simp [std_basis_ne α φ _ _ h]

lemma supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj (I J : set ι) (h : disjoint I J) :
(⨆i∈I, range (std_basis α φ i)) ≤ (⨅i∈J, ker (proj i)) :=
refine (supr_le $ assume i, supr_le $ assume hi, range_le_iff_comap.2 _),
simp only [(ker_comp _ _).symm, eq_top_iff, le_def', mem_ker, comap_infi, mem_infi],
assume b hb j hj,
have : i ≠ j := assume eq, h ⟨hi, eq.symm ▸ hj⟩,
rw [proj_std_basis_ne α φ j i this.symm, zero_apply]

lemma infi_ker_proj_le_supr_range_std_basis {I : finset ι} {J : set ι} (hu : set.univ ⊆ ↑I ∪ J) :
(⨅ i∈J, ker (proj i)) ≤ (⨆i∈I, range (std_basis α φ i)) :=
assume b hb,
simp only [mem_infi, mem_ker, proj_apply] at hb,
rw ← show I.sum (λi, std_basis α φ i (b i)) = b,
{ ext i,
rw [pi.finset_sum_apply, ← std_basis_same α φ i (b i)],
refine finset.sum_eq_single i (assume j hjI ne, std_basis_ne _ _ _ _ ne.symm _) _,
assume hiI,
rw [std_basis_same],
exact hb _ ((hu trivial).resolve_left hiI) },
exact sum_mem _ (assume i hiI, mem_supr_of_mem _ i $ mem_supr_of_mem _ hiI $
linear_map.mem_range.2 ⟨_, rfl⟩)

lemma supr_range_std_basis_eq_infi_ker_proj {I J : set ι}
(hd : disjoint I J) (hu : set.univ ⊆ I ∪ J) (hI : set.finite I) :
(⨆i∈I, range (std_basis α φ i)) = (⨅i∈J, ker (proj i)) :=
refine le_antisymm (supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj _ _ _ _ hd) _,
have : set.univ ⊆ ↑hI.to_finset ∪ J, { rwa [finset.coe_to_finset] },
refine le_trans (infi_ker_proj_le_supr_range_std_basis α φ this) (supr_le_supr $ assume i, _),
rw [← finset.mem_coe, finset.coe_to_finset],
exact le_refl _

lemma supr_range_std_basis [fintype ι] : (⨆i:ι, range (std_basis α φ i)) = ⊤ :=
have (set.univ : set ι) ⊆ ↑(finset.univ : finset ι) ∪ ∅ := by rw [finset.coe_univ, set.union_empty],
apply top_unique,
convert (infi_ker_proj_le_supr_range_std_basis α φ this),
exact infi_emptyset.symm,
exact (funext $ λi, (@supr_pos _ _ _ (λh, range (std_basis α φ i)) $ finset.mem_univ i).symm)

lemma disjoint_std_basis_std_basis (I J : set ι) (h : disjoint I J) :
disjoint (⨆i∈I, range (std_basis α φ i)) (⨆i∈J, range (std_basis α φ i)) :=
refine disjoint_mono
(supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj _ _ _ _ $ set.disjoint_compl I)
(supr_range_std_basis_le_infi_ker_proj _ _ _ _ $ set.disjoint_compl J) _,
simp only [disjoint, submodule.le_def', mem_infi, mem_inf, mem_ker, mem_bot, proj_apply,
rintros b ⟨hI, hJ⟩ i,
by_cases hiI : i ∈ I,
{ by_cases hiJ : i ∈ J,
{ exact (h ⟨hiI, hiJ⟩).elim },
{ exact hJ i hiJ } },
{ exact hI i hiI }


end pi

end linear_map
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/basis.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -120,6 +120,30 @@ linear_independent_Union_of_directed
((directed_comp _ _ _).2 $ (directed_on_iff_directed _).1 hs)
(by simpa using h)

lemma linear_independent_Union_finite {ι : Type*} {f : ι → set β}
(hl : ∀i, linear_independent α (f i))
(hd : ∀i, ∀t:set ι, finite t → i ∉ t → disjoint (span α (f i)) (⨆i∈t, span α (f i))) :
linear_independent α (⋃i, f i) :=
rw [Union_eq_Union_finset f],
refine linear_independent_Union_of_directed (directed_of_sup _) _,
exact (assume t₁ t₂ ht, Union_subset_Union $ assume i, Union_subset_Union_const $ assume h, ht h),
assume t, rw [set.Union, ← finset.sup_eq_supr],
refine t.induction_on _ _,
{ exact linear_independent_empty },
{ rintros ⟨i⟩ s his ih,
rw [finset.sup_insert],
refine linear_independent_union (hl _) ih _,
rw [finset.sup_eq_supr],
refine disjoint_mono (le_refl _) _ (hd i _ _ his),
{ simp only [(span_Union _).symm],
refine span_mono (@supr_le_supr2 (set β) _ _ _ _ _ _),
rintros ⟨i⟩, exact ⟨i, le_refl _⟩ },
{ change finite (plift.up ⁻¹' s.to_set),
exact finite_preimage (assume i j, plift.up.inj) s.finite_to_set } }

section repr
variables (hs : linear_independent α s)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,3 +589,45 @@ begin

end vector_space

namespace pi
open set linear_map

section module
variables {ι : Type*} {φ : ι → Type*}
variables [ring α] [∀i, add_comm_group (φ i)] [∀i, module α (φ i)] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι]

lemma linear_independent_std_basis (s : Πi, set (φ i)) (hs : ∀i, linear_independent α (s i)) :
linear_independent α (⋃i, std_basis α φ i '' s i) :=
refine linear_independent_Union_finite _ _,
{ assume i,
refine (linear_independent_image_iff _).2 (hs i),
simp only [ker_std_basis, disjoint_bot_right] },
{ assume i J _ hiJ,
simp [(set.Union.equations._eqn_1 _).symm, submodule.span_image, submodule.span_Union],
have h₁ : map (std_basis α φ i) (span α (s i)) ≤ (⨆j∈({i} : set ι), range (std_basis α φ j)),
{ exact (le_supr_of_le i $ le_supr_of_le (set.mem_singleton _) $ map_mono $ le_top) },
have h₂ : (⨆j∈J, map (std_basis α φ j) (span α (s j))) ≤ (⨆j∈J, range (std_basis α φ j)),
{ exact supr_le_supr (assume i, supr_le_supr $ assume hi, map_mono $ le_top) },
exact disjoint_mono h₁ h₂
(disjoint_std_basis_std_basis _ _ _ _ $ set.disjoint_singleton_left.2 hiJ) }

lemma is_basis_std_basis [fintype ι] (s : Πi, set (φ i)) (hs : ∀i, is_basis α (s i)) :
is_basis α (⋃i, std_basis α φ i '' s i) :=
refine ⟨linear_independent_std_basis _ (assume i, (hs i).1), _⟩,
simp only [submodule.span_Union, submodule.span_image, (assume i, (hs i).2), submodule.map_top,

variables (α ι)
lemma is_basis_fun [fintype ι] : is_basis α (⋃i, std_basis α (λi:ι, α) i '' {1}) :=
is_basis_std_basis _ (assume i, is_basis_singleton_one _)

end module

end pi

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