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Trim paired-end FastQ files


trimPair is used to trim paired-end FastQ files. It wraps cutadapt to trim adapters and uses self-defined codes to remove poly-A/T/N on both ends of the reads.

trimPair initializes three child processes in which two processes trim reads in both pairs, one processes do synchronization from two pairs and post processing.

The output can be send to downstreaming programs by named pipe (just don't named the pipe as *.gz).

If --overlap is set to 1, it generates exactly the same output as Trim Galore.


It assumes your paired-end FastQ files are valid (Same number and order of reads in two pairs, four line per read).


--fastq1, --f1, -1   Path of FastQ file, pair 1. Either gzipped or not.
--fastq2, --f2, -2   Path of FastQ file, pair 2. Either gzipped or not.
--output1, --o1, -3  Path of output trimmed FastQ file, pair 1. Either gzipped
                     or not. It can also be a named pipe
--output2, --o2, -4  Path of output trimmed FastQ file, pair 2. Either gzipped
                     or not. It can also be a named pipe
--tmp, -t            Path of temporary directory.
--start, -s          Which read in the FastQ files starts for trimming. 
                     Default value is 1 which means start form the beginning.
--records, -k        How many reads should be trimmed. Default value is 1e20
                     which means to the end.
--trim-polyA, -A     Whether to trim poly-A. Default FALSE. If it is set to
                     TRUE, The script will trim poly A or poly T from two end
                     of the read with mismatch.
--process            It is a disabled parameter. It just tells you it will use
                     3 CPUs for a job ( in fact a little bit less than 3).
--minimum-length, -m Trimmed reads with length less than this value will be
                     dropped. Default is 20.
--left               How many bases should be firstly trimmed from the left.
--right              How many bases should be firstly trimmed from the right.
--help, -h           Help message.

Together with --start and --records, it will be easy to make trimming parallel. For example, we spliced all reads into 4 pieces in which each piece contains N reads, then run following commands:

perl $script_name -f1 r1.gz -f2 r2.gz -o1 t1_1.gz -o2 t2_1.gz -s    1 -k N &
perl $script_name -f1 r1.gz -f2 r2.gz -o1 t1_2.gz -o2 t2_2.gz -s  N+1 -k N &
perl $script_name -f1 r1.gz -f2 r2.gz -o1 t1_3.gz -o2 t2_3.gz -s 2N+1 -k N &
perl $script_name -f1 r1.gz -f2 r2.gz -o1 t1_4.gz -o2 t2_4.gz -s 3N+1 -k N &

You can send trimmed FastQ to downstreaming programs:

mkfifo fastq1 fastq2
perl $script_name -f1 r1.gz -f2 r2.gz -o1 fastq1 -o2 fastq2 &
cmd fastq1 fastq1
rm fastq1 fastq2

Parameters that are sent to cutadapt:

-a, --adapter  Different to cutadapt, if multiple adapters are specified, 
               all adapters will be trimmed. Examples are:
               --adapter=A1 --adapter=A2
-e, --error-rate
-q, --quality-cutoff
-i, --quality-base
-M, --maximum-length
-n, --times
-O, --overlap
-N, --no-match-adapter-wildcards
    --discard-trimmed, --discard
-x, --prefix
-y, --suffix

mismatch model

This is a simple mismatch model, for each base, this is a value (1|0) returned by a mismatch subroutine. For example, if we want to trim poly-N, the mismatch subroutine will be defined as

sub {$_[0] eq "N"}

It returns 1 if current base is 'N'.

Start from each end, we frist look at the first 5 bases. If the first 5 bases contain no mismatch or 1 mismatch, we will keep on looking at following bases. When going through bases from end to center, we calculate mismatch rate for each base at store the last matched position. If the mismatch rate is larger than a cutoff. We continue reading next 10 bases. If mismatch rate never drops, we will remove bases to the 'last matched position'. If mismatch rate drops lower than cutoff, we continue reading following bases and repeat above steps.

In case the first five bases which have more than 1 mismatches, for poly-A/T, we do not trim anything since the number of ending A/T is too small that we can not take them as poly-A tail.

  main script

  testing script

  CO::FastQ class, for a whole FastQ file
      fh: file handle
      i : index of current read
      next: get next read, returns CO::FastQ::Read object
      i: index of current read

  CO::FastQ::Read class, for a single read
      line1: reference to line1 of a read record
      line2: reference to line2 of a read record
      line3: reference to line3 of a read record
      line4: reference to line4 of a read record
      begin: position of the beginning base after trimming
      end  : position of the ending base after trimming
      header: first line of the read record
      name: read name, extract from header
      seq: read sequence
      qual_str: read quality string
      qual: read quanlity, transformed into numbers, array reference
      length: length of read after trimming
  Super class of CO::FastQ::Read, provide trimming methods for CO::FastQ::Read class
      set: set some parameters for trimming
      trim_poly_A: trim ending A/Ts on both sides, returns CO::FastQ::Read object


Trim pair-end FastQ files






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