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A minimal (~130LOC) React binding for i18next.

npm version


  • Simple

    • actually, the only dependencies are react and i18next
  • Framework / configuration agnostic

    • opinionless about other parts of system, including how to load i18n resources / how to infer and persist locales
    • easier to integrate into an existing app, or opt out

Non-features (or, limitations)

  • Rich API as in react-i18next / next-i18next
  • All locale resources need to be loaded before rendering (in both server and browser), this increases bundle size

Comparison with alternatives

This library is initially made when trying to use i18next in a Next.js serverless app.

Before rolling yet another binding, I tried these libraries:

  • isaachinman/next-i18next has impressively rich features. But it requires some certain app structure, a custom server, and a few middlewares, all of which I had difficulties to comply with.
  • i18next/react-i18next was not very simple to use in Next.js SSR (I may be wrong).

Getting started

  1. Install: npm install --save i18next-react or yarn add i18next-react
  2. Define a factory function to provide initialized i18next instance
  3. Wrap top level component (or, a component where you want to use i18next within) with <I18NextReactProvider lang={initialLang} factory={i18NextFactory}>
  4. Consume i18next API withuseI18n() or useI18nLoaded(lang, namespace) hooks




  • bundles all locales
  • handle language preference in cookie with getInitialProps / getServerSideProps

Feedback / Issues / Contributions

If you find anything interesting, feel free to fill an issue.

Also, I haven't tested but this should be compatible with preact / react-native too. Like to hear if this library works (or doesn't) with them.
