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[Class] Patient

João Saraiva edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 1 revision

A Patient represents a real patient from whom biosignals were acquired. Every Patient has a unique code for identification purposes, and it may or may not have a name and age. It can also have associated medical conditions, history of medications, and history of surgical procedures.

Public Information

Anyone can get the code and medical conditions of a Patient, using patient1.code and patient1.conditions, respectively.

Protected Information

The name, age, medications, and surgical procedures are sensible information not accessible to everyone for legal compliance. For that reason, they are encrypted. To get this information, one may call patient1.get_protected_information(). This procedure asks for a private key to decrypt this information, which may be provided by the administrator upon request. As explicit in the Terms of Use, once obtained, this information must not be shared in any circumstance.

Comparing Patients

Using the equality operator (==) with 2 Patient objects will return true if they are the same patient.


One may print a description of a Patient by means of print(patient1). Something similar to this will prompt: