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jonathanverner edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

PicasaFUSE - a filesystem interface to Google’s Picasa Web Albums (

1) aggressive caching of photos (do not download photos unless they change)
2) allow for disconnected operation
3) most operations asynchronous
(e.g. ls in a directory schedules an update of the directory but does not wait
for it to take place and immediately returns cached contents)

1) caches authkeys for unlisted albums
e.g. you do
cd albumName?authkey=blablabla
the cd returns no such directory but a new
directory ‘album name’ appears. The authkey
is cached and from now on (until the cache is
purged or the authkey changed in picasa) the
album will be accessible under its name

1) generate .directory files for albums (with thumbnails of the albums and other information)

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