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Snapshot data sources and keep them forever!


StoreHouse is a set of code that will allow you to take snapshots of any selected data source and store it for later analysis. You might call it an "historical object cache".

Given a specific date and time, you can recreate the data source's state. Now this depends on how often you are polling or "snapshotting" that data sorce.

For example, if you were "store housing" LDAP groups, you might run that daily if that is the granularity you choose. Below are some examples of data sources and some possible snapshot frequencies.

Data Source Possible Frequency
DNS Zone Hourly
LDAP Groups Daily
Amazon Instances As fast as possible
Amazon IAM Users As fast as possible
Some Database Weekly
... ...

System Requirements:

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Any database supported by Ruby on Rails
  • Any number of worker machines to process the data sources

Data Source Requirements:

  • Typically the data must be serializable to JSON, but this is not required. I can be binary data as well, but that will depend on the backend data store that you choose. The serialization format depends on how you will consume the data in downstream applications or data processing.
  • Each data source must have a unique key. This can be a composite key if needed. But, the composite key must always reference the same object or you will encounter "flapping" issues.


The StoreHouse system tracks all of the data in the ROR database. It's 'smart' and only stores actuall data once, even if that data is the same for many data sources.

One of the primary objectives is to reduce data duplication. If you export hourly from a data source and nothing changes, we don't want to duplicate the data in the back-end data store. Here is where the checksum saves us.

We are storing the actual data/record/blob in the 'blobs' table. The key is the SHA512 checksum of the value. If 100 different data stores has the same record the back-end will only store that record once. This is where "export runs" and "export records" come into play.

The following objects are represented in the ROR database (a.k.a. the "meta-data"):

  • Data Sources
  • Export Runs
  • Export Records
  • Blobs

Data Sources

It's up to you to create, filter and aggregate your data source. Each data source record provides descriptive information along with a "connection info" field if you so choose to use that field.

Export Runs

Every time you export your data that will create an "export run" object. This object holds the start time, end time, duration and object count for that export. If you run once an hour you will have 24 export runs per day.

Export Records

Each object in the export run will create an export record. The export record holds the following information:

  • Record Size
  • Checksum
  • Data Store Location Pointer (optional)
  • Primary Key
  • Export Run Reference
  • Data Source Reference
  • Blob reference (Through checksum)



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