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Jon Ludlam committed Dec 11, 2013
1 parent e3733d4 commit 86365b6
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Showing 8 changed files with 98 additions and 41 deletions.
57 changes: 37 additions & 20 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module Dummy = struct
let pidfile = Printf.sprintf "/tmp/" !counter host_id in
let logfile = Printf.sprintf "/tmp/vhdd.log.%d.%s" !counter host_id in
let errfile = Printf.sprintf "/tmp/vhdd.err.%d.%s" !counter host_id in

let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let args = [
"-dummydir"; "/tmp/dummytest";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,19 +90,27 @@ module Dummy = struct
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Signaled: %d" x)
| Unix.WSTOPPED x ->
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Stopped: %d" x));
Thread.delay 0.5;
let ic = open_in pidfile in
let pid_str = input_line ic in
let pid = int_of_string pid_str in
let pid =
let rec inner () =
if Unix.gettimeofday () -. start > 10.0 then failwith "Failed to get pid";
let ic = open_in pidfile in
let pid_str = input_line ic in
int_of_string pid_str
with _ ->
inner ()
in inner ()
let myrpc call = Xcp_client.xml_http_rpc ~srcstr:"ftests" ~dststr:"storage"
(fun () -> Printf.sprintf "" port) call
let myintclient = Int_client.get {h_uuid="null"; h_ip=Some ""; h_port=port} in
let module Intclient = (val myintclient : Int_client.CLIENT) in
let client = (module (Storage_interface.Client(struct let rpc call = myrpc call end)) : CLIENT) in
let rec wait_for_start total =
let rec wait_for_start () =
if total > 100 then begin
let now = Unix.gettimeofday () in
if now -. start > 10.0 then begin
debug "Error waiting for vhdd to start";
let log = Unixext.string_of_file logfile in
let stderr = Unixext.string_of_file errfile in
Expand All @@ -115,12 +123,9 @@ module Dummy = struct
debug "Got here...";
ignore(Client.SR.list ~dbg:"wait_for_start");
with e ->
debug "Caught exception: %s" (Printexc.to_string e);
debug "Backtrace: %s" (Printexc.get_backtrace ());
Thread.delay 0.1;
wait_for_start (total+1)
wait_for_start ()
wait_for_start 0;
wait_for_start ();

{ pid = Some pid;
errfile = errfile;
Expand All @@ -131,11 +136,23 @@ module Dummy = struct
intclient = myintclient; }

let kill_vhdd vhdd =
debug "Killing vhdd";
debug "Killing vhdd";
let rec wait n pid =
Unix.kill pid 0;
wait (n+1) pid;
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ESRCH,_,_) ->
debug "Finished after %d" n;
| e ->
raise e
let module Intclient = (val vhdd.intclient : Int_client.CLIENT) in
(try Intclient.Debug.die ~restart:false with e -> debug "Caught exception %s" (Printexc.to_string e));
(*match with Some h -> ignore(Forkhelpers.waitpid h) | None -> *)
Thread.delay 0.5
match with
| Some h -> wait 0 h
| None -> Thread.delay 0.5

let create_and_attach vhdds =
let master = List.hd vhdds in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,7 +254,7 @@ module Real = struct
Client.SR.create ~dbg ~sr ~device_config:master_device_config ~physical_size:0L;
Client.SR.attach ~dbg ~sr ~device_config:master_device_config;

Thread.delay 0.5;
(* Thread.delay 0.5;*)

List.iter (fun slave ->
let module SC = (val slave.client : CLIENT) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,15 +484,15 @@ let restart_master state =
(try Intclient.Debug.die ~restart:true with _ -> ());
let rec wait_for_new_pid () =
Thread.delay 0.1;
(* Thread.delay 0.1;*)
let newpid = Intclient.Debug.get_pid () in
if newpid = oldpid then wait_for_new_pid ()
with _ ->
wait_for_new_pid ()
in wait_for_new_pid ();

let rec wait_for_ready () =
Thread.delay 0.1;
(* Thread.delay 0.1;*)
if not (Intclient.Debug.get_ready ())
then wait_for_ready ()
Expand All @@ -487,7 +504,7 @@ let restart_master state =

let rec wait_for_attach_finished () =
Thread.delay 0.1;
(* Thread.delay 0.1;*)
let attach_finished = Intclient.Debug.get_attach_finished in
if not attach_finished then wait_for_attach_finished ()
with _ -> wait_for_attach_finished ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1779,7 +1796,7 @@ let _ =

(Real.uri := Printf.sprintf "/%s" !backend);

Debug.log_to_stdout ();
(* Debug.log_to_stdout ();*)

Real.hosts := String.split ',' !hosts;

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions vhd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ let rec slave_retry_loop context allowed_errors (f : (module Int_client.CLIENT)
let client = Int_client.get h in
f client
| IntError(e,args) as exn ->
| Int_rpc.IntError(e,args) as exn ->
if List.mem e allowed_errors
then (debug "Ignorning allowed error '%s' in slave_retry_loop" e; raise exn)
else begin
Expand All @@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ let rec master_retry_loop context allowed_errors bad_errors f metadata host =
let attached_hosts = Slave_sr_attachments.get_attached_hosts context metadata in
if not (List.exists (fun ssa -> ssa.ssa_host.h_uuid=host.h_uuid) attached_hosts) then
raise (IntError(e_sr_not_attached,[host.h_uuid]));
raise (Int_rpc.IntError(e_sr_not_attached,[host.h_uuid]));
let client = Int_client.get host in
f client
| IntError(e,args) as exn ->
| Int_rpc.IntError(e,args) as exn ->
if List.mem e bad_errors then begin
error "Bad error caught: not continuing";
raise exn
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions vhd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ open Int_types
type vdi = Storage_interface.vdi
type sr =

exception IntError of (string * (string list))

type lock = string

module SR = struct
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions vhd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
open Camldm

exception IntError of (string * (string list))

let e_not_attached = "not_attached"
let e_not_activated = "not_activated"
let e_sr_not_attached = "host_not_attached"
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions vhd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ let get_leaf_info metadata vdi_location =
Hashtbl.find metadata.m_data.m_id_to_leaf_mapping vdi_location
with Not_found ->
raise (IntError (e_unknown_location, [vdi_location]))
raise (Int_rpc.IntError (e_unknown_location, [vdi_location]))

let set_leaf_info metadata vdi_location leaf_info =
Hashtbl.replace metadata.m_data.m_id_to_leaf_mapping vdi_location leaf_info
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ let slave_attach_reattach context metadata host vdi_location rw protected_fn =

let slave_attach_unlock context metadata host vdi_location protected_fn =
with_leaf_op context metadata vdi_location OpDetaching (fun leaf_info ->
let e = IntError(e_not_attached,[vdi_location]) in
let e = Int_rpc.IntError(e_not_attached,[vdi_location]) in
let leaf_info = update_leaf context metadata vdi_location (fun leaf_info ->
let new_attachment =
match leaf_info.attachment with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,35 +154,35 @@ let slave_activate context metadata host vdi_location is_reactivate =
| Some (ActiveRW host'), _ ->
if is_reactivate then begin
if host<>host' then
raise (IntError (e_vdi_active_elsewhere, [vdi_location]))
raise (Int_rpc.IntError (e_vdi_active_elsewhere, [vdi_location]))
end else
raise (IntError (e_vdi_active_elsewhere, [vdi_location]))
raise (Int_rpc.IntError (e_vdi_active_elsewhere, [vdi_location]))

| None, Some (AttachedRW hosts) ->
let israw = match leaf_info.leaf with | PRaw _ -> true | PVhd _ -> false in
if not (List.mem host hosts) then
raise (IntError (e_vdi_not_attached, [vdi_location]));
raise (Int_rpc.IntError (e_vdi_not_attached, [vdi_location]));
if israw
then {leaf_info with active_on = Some (ActiveRWRaw [host])}
else {leaf_info with active_on = Some (ActiveRW host)}

| Some (ActiveRWRaw acthosts), Some (AttachedRW atthosts) ->
if not (List.mem host atthosts) then
raise (IntError (e_vdi_not_attached, [vdi_location]));
raise (Int_rpc.IntError (e_vdi_not_attached, [vdi_location]));
if not is_reactivate then (if (List.mem host acthosts) then failwith "Double activated!?");
{leaf_info with active_on = Some (ActiveRWRaw (host::(List.filter (fun h -> h <> host) acthosts)))}

| _, None ->
raise (IntError (e_vdi_not_attached, [vdi_location]))
raise (Int_rpc.IntError (e_vdi_not_attached, [vdi_location]))

| _ ->
failwith "Unexpected attachment status!"))

let slave_deactivate context metadata host vdi_location =
with_leaf_op context metadata vdi_location OpDeactivating (fun leaf_info ->
let e = IntError(e_not_activated,[vdi_location]) in
let e = Int_rpc.IntError(e_not_activated,[vdi_location]) in
update_leaf context metadata vdi_location (fun leaf_info ->
match leaf_info.active_on with
| Some (ActiveRO hosts) ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion vhd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ end
Slave_sr_attachments.slave_sr_detach_by_host_uuid context metadata host_uuid;
let leaves = Locking.get_all_leaf_infos context metadata in
List.iter (fun (k,leaf_info) ->
try VDI.slave_detach context metadata host_uuid k with IntError(e_not_attached,_) -> ()) leaves
try VDI.slave_detach context metadata host_uuid k with Int_rpc.IntError(e_not_attached,_) -> ()) leaves

let set_rolling_upgrade_finished context metadata =
fix_ctx context None;
Expand Down
38 changes: 31 additions & 7 deletions vhd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,9 +151,17 @@ module VDI = struct
match current with
| None ->
let slave_attach_info =
Int_client_utils.slave_retry_loop context [e_unknown_location] (fun client ->
let x = Int_client_utils.slave_retry_loop context [e_unknown_location] (fun client ->
let module Client = (val client : Int_client.CLIENT) in
Client.VDI.slave_attach ~host_uuid ~sr:sr_uuid ~vdi:id ~writable ~is_reattach:false) metadata in
if !Global.dummy
{ x with
sa_leaf_path =
Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" (Global.get_host_local_dummydir ()) x.sa_leaf_path
else x
debug "Got response: leaf=%s" slave_attach_info.sa_leaf_path;

with_master_approved_op context metadata id Attaching (fun () ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -190,7 +198,7 @@ module VDI = struct
(* Make sure that we're attached... *)
Nmutex.execute context metadata.s_mutex "Making sure we're attached" (fun () ->
if not (Hashtbl.mem metadata.s_data.s_attached_vdis id) then
raise (IntError (e_not_attached, [id])));
raise (Int_rpc.IntError (e_not_attached, [id])));

commit_slave_attach_info_to_disk metadata.s_data.s_sr id sai;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,14 +294,22 @@ module VDI = struct
let savi = Hashtbl.find metadata.s_data.s_attached_vdis id in
with Not_found ->
raise (IntError (e_not_attached, [id])))
raise (Int_rpc.IntError (e_not_attached, [id])))

(* We can't be detached because of the 'with_op' fn above, so now we're safe *)
let sai =
Int_client_utils.slave_retry_loop context [] (fun client ->
let module Client = (val client : Int_client.CLIENT) in
Client.VDI.slave_attach ~host_uuid:(Global.get_host_uuid ()) ~sr:metadata.s_data.s_sr ~vdi:id ~writable ~is_reattach:true) metadata in
let x = Client.VDI.slave_attach ~host_uuid:(Global.get_host_uuid ()) ~sr:metadata.s_data.s_sr ~vdi:id ~writable ~is_reattach:true in
if !Global.dummy
{ x with
sa_leaf_path =
Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" (Global.get_host_local_dummydir ()) x.sa_leaf_path
else x
) metadata in

debug "Got response: leaf=%s" sai.sa_leaf_path;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,7 +352,7 @@ module VDI = struct

Client.VDI.slave_detach ~host_uuid:(Global.get_host_uuid ())
~sr:metadata.s_data.s_sr ~vdi:id) metadata
with IntError(e,args) as exn ->
with Int_rpc.IntError(e,args) as exn ->
if e=e_not_attached
then debug "Ignoring not_attached exception from master"
else raise exn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,7 +467,7 @@ module VDI = struct

Client.VDI.slave_deactivate ~host_uuid:(Global.get_host_uuid ()) ~sr:metadata.s_data.s_sr ~vdi:id) metadata
| IntError(e,args) as exn ->
| Int_rpc.IntError(e,args) as exn ->
if (e=e_not_activated)
then debug "Ignoring not_activated error"
else raise exn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -535,7 +551,15 @@ module VDI = struct
Int_client_utils.slave_retry_loop context [] (fun client ->
let module Client = (val client : Int_client.CLIENT) in

Client.VDI.get_slave_attach_info ~sr:sr_uuid ~vdi:id) metadata in
let x = Client.VDI.get_slave_attach_info ~sr:sr_uuid ~vdi:id in
if !Global.dummy
{ x with
sa_leaf_path =
Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" (Global.get_host_local_dummydir ()) x.sa_leaf_path
else x) metadata
let arg = Jsonrpc.to_string (rpc_of_slave_attach_info slave_attach_info) in
(* let call = Smapi_client.make_call ~vdi_location:id device_config (Some metadata.s_data.s_sr) "vdi_attach_from_config" [ arg ] in
let str = Xml.to_string (Smapi_client.xmlrpc_of_call call) in
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions vhd/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -503,10 +503,25 @@ module VDI = struct

let slave_reload ctx ~sr ~vdis =
let metadata = Attachments.gsm sr in
let vdis =
if !Global.dummy
then (fun (id,sai) ->
(id,{sai with sa_leaf_path =
Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" (Global.get_host_local_dummydir ()) sai.sa_leaf_path}))
else vdis
VhdSlave.VDI.slave_reload ctx metadata vdis

let slave_leaf_coalesce_stop_and_copy ctx ~sr ~vdi ~leaf_path ~new_leaf_path =
let metadata = Attachments.gsm sr in
let fix_path orig =
if !Global.dummy
then Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" (Global.get_host_local_dummydir ()) orig
else orig
let leaf_path = fix_path leaf_path in
let new_leaf_path = fix_path new_leaf_path in
VhdSlave.VDI.slave_leaf_coalesce_stop_and_copy ctx metadata vdi leaf_path new_leaf_path

let external_clone ctx sr_uuid filename =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,6 +607,7 @@ module Debug = struct
Mutex.execute metadata.Vhd_types.s_mutex.Nmutex.m (fun () ->
let v = Hashtbl.find metadata.Vhd_types.s_data.Vhd_types.s_attached_vdis vdi in
let leaf_path = v.Vhd_types.savi_attach_info.Int_types.sa_leaf_path in
debug "XXX slave_get_leaf_vhduid: leaf_path=%s" leaf_path;
Vhdutil.with_vhd leaf_path false (fun vhd ->
Vhd.get_uid vhd))
let write_junk ctx ~sr ~vdi ~size ~n ~current =
Expand Down

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