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Merge tag 'psr12anchor' into psr12/merge/34646
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joomla-bot committed Jun 27, 2022
2 parents a1ee77a + 170f91a commit 13a9df7
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Showing 1,545 changed files with 39,567 additions and 10,694 deletions.
87 changes: 27 additions & 60 deletions .appveyor.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,89 +1,56 @@
image: Visual Studio 2022
build: false
- x64
clone_folder: C:\projects\joomla-cms

- /l10n_*/

## Build matrix for lowest and highest possible targets
PHPBuild: "x64"
VC: "vc15"
- php_ver_target: 7.2
- php_ver_target: 7.3
- php_ver_target: 7.4
- php_ver_target: 8.0

- SET PATH=C:\Program Files\OpenSSL;C:\tools\php;%PATH%
- SET PATH=C:\Tools\php;%PATH%
- SET PHP=1 # This var relates to caching the php install
- SET ANSICON=121x90 (121x90)
- mysql
- postgresql94
- iis

## Install PHP and composer, and run the appropriate composer command
- IF EXIST C:\tools\php (SET PHP=0)
# @todo: This is a workaround for Once this is fixed we
# should go back to latest version in appveyor saving ourselves test time
- ps: choco upgrade chocolatey -y --version 0.10.13 --allow-downgrade --no-progress
- ps: >-
If ($env:PHP -eq "1") {
appveyor-retry cinst --no-progress --params '""/InstallDir:C:\tools\php""' --ignore-checksums -y php --version ((choco search php --exact --all-versions -r | select-string -pattern $env:php_ver_target | sort { [version]($_ -split '\|' | select -last 1) } -Descending | Select-Object -first 1) -replace '[php|]','')
appveyor-retry choco install --no-progress --params '""/InstallDir:C:\tools\php""' --ignore-checksums -y php --version ((choco search php --exact --all-versions -r | select-string -pattern $env:php_ver_target | sort { [version]($_ -split '\|' | select -last 1) } -Descending | Select-Object -first 1) -replace '[php|]','')
- cd C:\tools\php
- IF %PHP%==1 copy php.ini-production php.ini /Y
- IF %PHP%==1 echo date.timezone="UTC" >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension_dir=ext >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_mbstring.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_fileinfo.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_gd2.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_gmp.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_pgsql.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_pdo_pgsql.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_mysqli.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP_VER_TARGET%==5.6 IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_mysql.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_curl.dll >> php.ini
# Get the Wincache DLLs
- ps: >-
If ($env:PHP -eq "1" -and $env:WINCACHE) {
cd c:\tools\php\ext
$source = "$($env:WINCACHE)/php_wincache-$($env:WINCACHE)-$($env:php_ver_target)-nts-$($env:VC)-$($env:PHPBuild).zip"
$destination = "c:\tools\php\ext\php_wincache-$($env:WINCACHE)-$($env:php_ver_target)-nts-$($env:VC)-$($env:PHPBuild).zip"
Invoke-WebRequest $source -OutFile $destination
#appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile$($env:WINCACHE)/php_wincache-$($env:WINCACHE)-$($env:php_ver_target)-nts-$($env:VC)-$($env:PHPBuild).zip
7z x -y php_wincache-$($env:WINCACHE)-$($env:php_ver_target)-nts-$($env:VC)-$($env:PHPBuild).zip > $null
Remove-Item C:\tools\php\ext* -include .zip
cd c:\tools\php
Add-Content php.ini "`nextension=php_wincache.dll"
Add-Content php.ini "`wincache.enablecli = 1"
Add-Content php.ini "`n"
- IF %PHP%==1 echo zend_extension=php_opcache.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo opcache.enable_cli=1 >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_ldap.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo @php %%~dp0composer.phar %%* > composer.bat
- IF %PHP%==1 appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile
- copy php.ini-production php.ini /Y
- echo date.timezone="UTC" >> php.ini
- echo extension_dir=ext >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_mbstring.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_fileinfo.dll >> php.ini
- IF %php_ver_target% LSS 8 echo extension=php_gd2.dll >> php.ini
- IF %php_ver_target% GEQ 8 echo extension=gd >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_gmp.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_pgsql.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_pdo_pgsql.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_mysqli.dll >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_curl.dll >> php.ini
- echo zend_extension=php_opcache.dll >> php.ini
- echo opcache.enable_cli=1 >> php.ini
- echo extension=php_ldap.dll >> php.ini
- choco install composer
- cd C:\projects\joomla-cms
- appveyor-retry composer install --no-progress --profile
- refreshenv
- composer install --no-progress --profile --ignore-platform-req=ext-sodium
# Database setup for MySQL via PowerShell tools
- >
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysql" -u root -p"Password12!" -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS joomla_ut;"
# Database setup for PostgreSQL
- SET PGUSER=postgres
- SET PGPASSWORD=Password12!
- PATH=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin\;%PATH%
- createdb joomla_ut
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysql" -u root -p"Password12!" -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test_joomla;"
- cd C:\projects\joomla-cms
- libraries/vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Unit
- libraries/vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Integration --configuration tests/phpunit-appveyor.xml.dist

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