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Merge branch 'staging' into master
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Bastian W committed Mar 25, 2017
2 parents 8b673a8 + 9a3d6db commit 545a716
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Showing 8,848 changed files with 611,507 additions and 287,900 deletions.
The diff you're trying to view is too large. We only load the first 3000 changed files.
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions .appveyor.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
build: false
- x64
clone_folder: C:\projects\joomla-cms
## Build matrix for lowest and highest possible targets
- php_ver_target: 5.6
- php_ver_target: 7.0
- php_ver_target: 7.1

- SET PATH=C:\Program Files\OpenSSL;C:\tools\php;%PATH%
- SET PHP=1 # This var relates to caching the php install
- SET ANSICON=121x90 (121x90)
- mssql2014
- mysql
- postgresql94
- iis

## Install PHP and composer, and run the appropriate composer command
- IF EXIST C:\tools\php (SET PHP=0)
- ps: >-
If ($env:php_ver_target -eq "5.6") {
appveyor-retry cinst --params '""/InstallDir:C:\tools\php""' --ignore-checksums -y --forcex86 php --version ((choco search php --exact --all-versions -r | select-string -pattern $env:php_ver_target | sort { [version]($_ -split '\|' | select -last 1) } -Descending | Select-Object -first 1) -replace '[php|]','')
$VC = "vc11"
$PHPBuild = "x86"
} Else {
appveyor-retry cinst --params '""/InstallDir:C:\tools\php""' --ignore-checksums -y php --version ((choco search php --exact --all-versions -r | select-string -pattern $env:php_ver_target | sort { [version]($_ -split '\|' | select -last 1) } -Descending | Select-Object -first 1) -replace '[php|]','')
$VC = "vc14"
$PHPBuild = "x64"
- cinst -y sqlite
- cd C:\tools\php
# Get the MSSQL DLL's
- ps: >-
If ($env:PHP -eq "1") {
If ($env:php_ver_target -eq "5.6") {
appveyor DownloadFile
7z x -y > $null
copy SQLSRV\php_sqlsrv_56_nts.dll ext\php_sqlsrv_nts.dll
copy SQLSRV\php_pdo_sqlsrv_56_nts.dll ext\php_pdo_sqlsrv_nts.dll
Remove-Item C:\tools\php\* -include .zip
} Else {
$DLLVersion = ""
cd c:\tools\php\ext
appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile$($DLLVersion)/php_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php_ver_target)
7z x -y php_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php_ver_target) > $null
appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile$($DLLVersion)/php_pdo_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php_ver_target)
7z x -y php_pdo_sqlsrv-$($DLLVersion)-$($env:php_ver_target) > $null
Remove-Item c:\tools\php\ext* -include .zip
cd c:\tools\php}}
- IF %PHP%==1 copy php.ini-production php.ini /Y
- IF %PHP%==1 echo date.timezone="UTC" >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension_dir=ext >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_openssl.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_mbstring.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_fileinfo.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_gd2.dll >> php.ini
- ps: >-
If ($env:php_ver_target -eq "5.6") {
Add-Content php.ini "`nextension=php_sqlsrv_nts.dll"
Add-Content php.ini "`nextension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_nts.dll"
Add-Content php.ini "`n"
} Else {
Add-Content php.ini "`nextension=php_sqlsrv.dll"
Add-Content php.ini "`nextension=php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll"
Add-Content php.ini "`n"
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_pgsql.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_pdo_pgsql.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_sqlite3.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_pdo_mysql.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_mysqli.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP_VER_TARGET%==5.6 IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_mysql.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_curl.dll >> php.ini
# Get the Wincache DLLs
- ps: >-
If ($env:PHP -eq "1") {
If ($env:php_ver_target -eq "5.6") {$wincache = ""} Else {$wincache = ""}
cd c:\tools\php\ext
appveyor DownloadFile$($wincache)/php_wincache-$($wincache)-$($env:php_ver_target)-nts-$($VC)-$($PHPBuild).zip
7z x -y php_wincache-$($wincache)-$($env:php_ver_target)-nts-$($VC)-$($PHPBuild).zip > $null
Remove-Item C:\tools\php\ext* -include .zip
cd c:\tools\php}
- IF %PHP%==1 echo extension=php_wincache.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo wincache.enablecli = 1 >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo zend_extension=php_opcache.dll >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo opcache.enable_cli=1 >> php.ini
- IF %PHP%==1 echo @php %%~dp0composer.phar %%* > composer.bat
- appveyor-retry appveyor DownloadFile
- cd C:\projects\joomla-cms
- appveyor-retry composer install --no-progress --profile

# Database setup for MySQL via PowerShell tools
- >
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysql" -u root -p"Password12!" -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS joomla_ut;"
- >
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysql" -u root -p"Password12!" joomla_ut < tests\unit\schema\mysql.sql
# Database setup for PostgreSQL
- SET PGUSER=postgres
- SET PGPASSWORD=Password12!
- PATH=C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin\;%PATH%
- createdb joomla_ut
- psql -d joomla_ut -a -f tests\unit\schema\postgresql.sql

# Database setup for SQL Server
- ps: $sqlInstance = "(local)\SQL2014"
- ps: sqlcmd -b -E -S "$sqlInstance" -Q "CREATE DATABASE joomla_ut"
- ps: sqlcmd -S "$sqlInstance" -U "sa" -P "Password12!" -i $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\tests\unit\schema\sqlsrv.sql

- cd C:\projects\joomla-cms
- libraries/vendor/bin/phpunit -c appveyor-phpunit.xml
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions .drone.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
image: plugins/git
depth: 1

image: joomlaprojects/docker-phpcs
- echo $(date)
- /root/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcs --report=full --extensions=php -p --standard=build/phpcs/Joomla .
- echo $(date)

image: joomlaprojects/docker-systemtests:latest
- echo $(date)
- apt-get install nodejs npm
- ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
- export DISPLAY=:0
- Xvfb -screen 0 1024x768x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- sleep 3
- fluxbox > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- cd tests/javascript
- npm install
- cd ../..
- tests/javascript/node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js --single-run
- echo $(date)

25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Contributing to the Joomla! CMS™
You are welcome to submit a contribution for review and possible inclusion in the Joomla! CMS but, before it will be accepted, we ask that you follow these simple steps:

1) Open an issue on our [Issue Tracker]( or here on GitHub. If you can, please provide a fix and create a pull request (PR) instead; this will automatically create an issue for you.

2) Follow the [Joomla! Coding Standards](

3) When filing an issue or opening a PR, please include a clear title and description. The title should be a short summary of an issue and, if possible, should include a reference to an open issue. For example, `Invalid Query in com_admin (Ref #1234)` would be sufficient. All issues and PRs should include a description with as much detail as possible.
If it is a PR, include what the issue is, what the PR is addressing, testing instructions and environmental information (PHP version, database driver and version, and other data you can retrieve from your site's system information view) in case the issue is specific to certain environments. If additional information is needed, please be prepared to provide it as our community members review your submission.

4) Report security issues to the Joomla! Security Strike Team (JSST) at or use the [JSST contact form]( Please do not use the public tracker for security issues.

Please be patient as not all items will be tested immediately (remember, all bug testing for the Joomla! CMS is done by volunteers) and be receptive to feedback about your code.

#### Branches
PRs should usually be made to the `staging` branch as this contains the most recent version of the code.
There are other branches available which serve specific purposes.

| Branch | Purpose |
| ------ | ------- |
| staging | Current codebase. Branch for the next minor Joomla version. New backward compatible features go into this branch. |
| master | Each commit made to staging gets tested if it passes unit tests and codestyle rules. It is then merged into master. This is done automatically. |
| 3.8-dev | Branch for the next minor Joomla version. The 3.8.0 release will only include compatibility features for 4.0. Commits to staging will be applied to this branch as well. |
| 4.0-dev | Branch for the next major Joomla version. New features go into this branch. Commits to staging will be applied to this branch as well. |
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
### Steps to reproduce the issue

### Expected result

### Actual result

### System information (as much as possible)

### Additional comments

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions .github/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Pull Request for Issue # .

### Summary of Changes

### Testing Instructions

### Expected result

### Actual result

### Documentation Changes Required

125 changes: 124 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,141 @@
# IDE & System Related Files #

# Local System Files (i.e. cache, logs, etc.) #

# Test Related Files #

# Node modules #

# phpDocumentor Logs #

# Patch Tester #

# Install from Web plugin #

# OSX #

# Windows #

# Never ignore #
# Only apply this rule to the main repository's gitignore files

# Extra files installed by Composer not needed in the CMS environment
# This should only ignore files like unit testing or READMEs, production
# code must remain to ensure all libraries properly function

0 comments on commit 545a716

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