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Flappy Bird in HTML 5 canvas

Flappy bird intro This repository provides the code for my Flappy bird game, build in HTML 5 canvas. The project had as goal to give myself an introduction to game development and to provide an example how a Flappy Bird game could be created.

The game can be played on

The game can be run through the Dockerfile, which provides an NGINX websever which serves the index.html. With the following command, the Docker image can be build:

docker build -t flappy-bird:v1 .

And with the following command, the Docker container can be run on the desired port.

docker run -d -p 80:80 flappy-bird:v1 .

A special thanks to Ylva Tröjbom for recreating some assets and special thanks to Samuelcust providing some Flappy bird assets.