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"Let's soar."

Anivia is a single page application using player data from the Riot Games League of Legends API. The goal of the project is to make something useful for players and developers alike.

Tech Stack

"What change will this wind bring?"

  • Languages: Elixir, Javascript
  • App Server: Phoenix Framework
  • Database: NONE
  • Frontend Stack: React, Redux, Webpack

I develop and deploy Anivia from Docker, but that's optional.

Live demo here


Sign up for a API Key at

Docker Setup

In development

# From project root, create image
docker build -t anivia .

# Start a container and enter shell
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 -e MIX_ENV=dev -e RIOT_API_KEY=[YOUR_KEY_HERE] --rm anivia sh

# Install dependencies
npm install
mix deps.get

# Start phoenix
mix phoenix.server

Mix Tasks

Static Asset Generation

# Generates CSS for champion portraits
mix anivia.static_content

Learn more