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Extension for the dotnet CLI for specifying a port number and automatically opening a browser when running ASP.Net Core Websites.


Include it in the tools section of your project.json

"tools": { "LightAnchor.Extensions.RunWeb":"1.0.*" }

Or if you are using .csproj add this to your .csproj

    <DotNetCliToolReference Include="LightAnchor.Extensions.RunWeb">

And then

dotnet restore

Global Installation

To install for use across your machine copy the contents from the folder under /GlobalInstall for your OS/Framework into a folder in PATH.

For Linux/Mac you will need to set the execute bit on the dotnet-web file e.g. chmod +x dotnet-web.


Use the web command with the dotnet CLI

  • -o or --open - Open browser once website is running.
  • -r or --port - Specify the port number.

dotnet web -o --port 9999

Include any option supported by dotnet run

dotnet web -o --port 9999 -c Release