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Mean Reddit v1.0.0

! Deprecation Warning !

This repo is pretty outdated and isn't easy to setup.

I haven't taken the time to fix it or get it up and running BUT if you're interested in how it worked there's an incredibly long demo video I made on the Demo section

Table of Contents

What is this?

A Reddit-like application made using the MEAN stack for my Capstone at NEU. It's definitely not a 1-to-1 imitiation of Reddit, but it has the core features. Also, it refers to itself as "Readit" within the application (Basically just to show that it's a knockoff of Reddit)


Check It

Feature Overview

So here's an overview of the features of this site.

The site has the following top level entities:

  • Post: A unit of content. Posts can either be a link to another site, or just text. Text posts are generally just for discussion. All posts are user submitted and controlled. Post can be upvoted or downvoted by users to change their score.
  • Group: A collection of related posts. Posts are always created on a group. Users can subscribe to groups to see the posts within this group. The group creator can delete the group.
  • User: A basic site user.

The site has the following main pages:

  • Front Page: What you see when you first enter the site. If you're not logged in, you'll see the top posts across the site. If you are logged in you'll only see posts from Groups you're subscribed too.
  • Group Page: View all the posts within a group. From here you can add a new post to this group or subscribe to the group.
  • Post Page: View a post. From here you can upvote or downvote a post to increase or decrease its score. You can also comment on the post (All actions but viewing require login).
  • Search Page: Search the site for Posts, Groups, or Users.
  • Discover Page: Find top rated posts, new content, or random content. Useful for new users.
  • Profile Page: A user's profile page. If this isn't your profile page, it shows the users post and comment history. You can friend other users if your logged in. If you view your own page you can also see your friends and your subscribed groups.

Additionally, a restful API for the models in this project exists under /api/MODELNAME.


There are still some features that I haven't implemented that I'd want to implement in future versions. They are (in no particular order):

  • Comment Threads: Allow comments to respond to other comments.
  • Better Error Handling: More specifically report errors on forms.
  • Upvote/downvote for comments: Not just posts.
  • More group owner privleges: Allow group owners to delete/edit posts and comments within their groups.
  • Paginated Results: Right now we just return all results for posts/comments
  • User messaging: Send messages directly to other users.
  • Better Friends: Highlight your friends' names on posts/comments.
  • List view ontrols: Allow upvote/downvote/delete from the post list view.
  • Edit posts/comments: Allow editing of posts or comments.

There are definitely more features to be added, that's just a small list I could think of right now.


Here are some instructions if you want to develop this project yourself.

Clone the Repository:

$ git clone

You'll need to install node. See the website here for instructions.

You'll also need to install and start mongodb.

Install dependencies:

$ npm install

You should now be good to run the server with:

$ ./server.js

So far I've put all back-end code (the MEN of the MEAN stack) in the src directory. Here are there is a src/models directory for descriptions of models and a src/route directory for the routes.

The Angular, html, and css lives in the public directory. Here there's a public/html for html files, public/css for css files, and public/js for js files. All of the controller code lives in public/js/controllers.


Here's a picture of an angry Reddit guy.

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A light version of reddit remade entirely with MEAN stack







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