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a Golang engine for small retro games. create anything you can imagine! a platformer? a puzzle game? heck even a 3D game!? you can do it! :D


  • easy to use and get started.
  • extensive docs for all the lil' details of stuff.
  • 100% Golang, Go lovers only!
  • Pixel based graphics/rendering.
  • simple object system to get the job done for you!
  • simple 8 bit sounds for sfx and music.
  • tilesets and tilemaps, powered by Tiled
  • 100% open source, anyone can contribute to this engine, anywere, anytime.
  • 100% free to use!
  • More to come here!

Getting Started

first, if you have Go installed, run this command:
go get
this will download all the dependencies, you are all set!


here is a simple 'Hello World' example:

package main

import (
 ""          // import the core package
 "" // import the font package

var (
 game *core.Game // global game variable

 // a simple font variable for the text
 testFont *font.Font

func main() {
 // low res of the screen of 320x240 for retro look. (this a recommended setting, but you can change it if you want)
 game = core.NewGame(220, 140, "Hello, World!")

 // setup the load, update and draw hooks
 game.Load = load
 game.Update = update
 game.Draw = draw

 // finally, run the game

func load() {
 // Load any game resources here

 // load the font
 // note, you need to use a Codepage 437 font for this, you can find good ones in the dwarf fortress wiki's tileset repository:
 // making your own font is also possible if you want!
 // the font's background is transparent, so if you are editing or drawing a font, you need to use a transparent background
 testFont = font.LoadFontFromImage("Zaratustra_msx_transparent.png", 8, 8, 16, rune(' '))

func update(dt float32) {
 // Update game logic here, use dt for time since last frame (useful for frame rate independent movement)

func draw() {
 // draw any elements here
 // here is an example of drawing a string of text

 // first clear the screen

 // draw the said text
 game.Renderer.DrawText(testFont, 0, 0, "Hello, World!")

want to know more? check out the docs for more information! :D


MIT license is used.


If you want to contribute, check out the contribution guide for more information. all contributions are welcome! :D



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