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Jovo Deployment for AWS

Easily deploy Jovo-applications on AWS.

Structure of deployed architecture

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Install all dependencies: npm install

  3. Set the correct environment-variables or overwrite src/index.ts to pass the configuration

    • For a reference of required environment-variables take a look at .env.example
    • By default dotenv is used and environment-variables are loaded from a .env-file in the root.
    • Because the aws-sdk is used, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY can be automatically loaded if you have a profile set. For more information, take a look here.
  4. Compile the .ts-files: npm run build

  5. Run the project npm start or node dist


Program is the main class that takes care of the underlying processes for deploying the architecture.

It provides a rollback-functionality that will be called if an error occurs during the deployment, which will then undo steps done until the point of failure.
This rollback-functionality can be turned off by passing false to the constructor of Program, although it is advised to not do so.

The deployment-process is started by calling the run-method of Program. This method takes a RunConfiguration-object as a parameter which is mandatory for the deployment.

Here's an example of a valid RunConfiguration-object:

import { RunConfiguration } from './Program';
import { promises } from 'fs';

const bundleBuffer = promises.readFile('path/to/');
const config: RunConfiguration = {
  credentials: {
     accessKeyId: '$ACCESS_KEY_ID',
     secretAccessKey: '$SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
  region: 'eu-central-1',
  lambda: {
    functionName: 'automatic-test',
    executionRole: 'arn:aws:iam::$ACCOUNT:role/$ROLE_NAME',
    codeBundle: bundleBuffer,
  apigateway: {
    apiName: 'automatic-test',
    resourcePathPart: 'automatic-test',


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