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Discord Bot

This is a personal project that contains a Discord bot and a backend API for a PostgreSQL database to be used by the bot for its functions. It is meant as a base that should be relatively easy to add more functionality into.

The bot at work


The project was programmed in C# using Visual Studio Community 2022, and the database used is PostgreSQL 15.

The bot uses the Discord.NET framework, and the backend API for the database uses ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.

To get started, clone or download the project. You will also need to add your database connection string to the appsettings.json in Backend/BackendAPI/BackendAPI using the key Database:ConnectionString. You will also need to add your Discord Bot Token, database API URL, and an API key to Open Emoji API in the appsettings.json in Bot/DiscordBot/DiscordBot using the keys BotToken, Database:apiUrl and EmojiApiKey. You can alternatively use the Secret Manager tool and add these to the secrets in the BackendAPI and DiscordBot projects (recommended).

  • Update your database by using the Update-Database command in the Package Manager Console when you have the BackendAPI project open in Visual Studio.
  • Import the 8BallResponses.csv from the repository root to your Magic8BallResponse table in your database to populate it with default values.

After following these instructions, run your BackendAPI and then DiscordBot and you should be able to see the bot come online on Discord and use the commands. (Assuming I haven't forgotten anything)

Bot Commands

  • /ping - The bot responds with "pong" and displays its current client latency.
  • /8ball [question] [ephemeral] - The bot responds with a magic 8-ball style answer. If you use the question parameter you can type a question that the bot will include in its response. If you set the ephemeral parameter to True the response will be sent in a message that will only be displayed to you.


  • /event create [title] [date] [description=""] - Create a new event with the given title, date and optional description. Users can add votes to the event with reactions.
  • /event list [ephemeral=True] - List all the existing events in the database. The list is sent as ephemeral by default, but can be sent as normal with ephemeral set to False.
  • /event get [id] - Send a message containing the event with given id. This message can be reacted to and will modify the votes on the event accordingly.
  • /event delete [id] - Delete the event with given id. Will prompt for confirmation.

API Routes

  • GET /api/Magic8Ball Get all the magic 8-ball responses
  • GET /api/Magic8Ball/random/weighted Get a single magic 8-ball response with the same random distribution as an original magic 8-ball (50% affirmative, 25% negative, 25% noncommittal)
  • POST /api/Magic8Ball Post a new magic 8-ball response
  • DELETE /api/Magic8Ball/{id} Delete the magic 8-ball response with the given id


  • GET /api/Events/ Get all events in database
  • GET /api/Events/{id} Get event with given id
  • GET /api/Events/{id}/Votes Get all votes on an event with given id
  • GET /api/Events/GetIdFromMessage/{messageId} Get the event id that the given Discord message with id messageId corresponds (if exists)
  • POST /api/Events Post a new event
  • POST /api/Events/{id}/Votes Post a vote to an event
  • POST /api/Events/{id}/Messages Post a new messageId for the event with given id
  • DELETE /api/Events/{id} Delete event with the given id
  • DELETE /api/Events/{id}/Votes/{emoji}/{userId} Delete a vote on the event with given id for the Discord custom emoji id or unicode emoji emoji from the Discord user with id userId

To Do

  • A web front end that contains instructions on the commands
  • Ability to configure and manage commands from the web front end (e.g. add new magic 8-ball responses)
  • Authentication to the front end with Discord account
  • Adding separation by Discord server to commands that should have it (events, custom magic 8-ball responses)
  • Ability for the bot to remind of events ahead of time