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jpimbert edited this page Nov 3, 2013 · 8 revisions

Software to install

To install VBAToolKit you'll need:

  1. VBAToolkit (mandatory)
  2. Git (recommended)
  3. MZTools 3.0 (optionnal)

Other third part tools may interest you. See Third Part Tools


VBA Toolkit promotes the use of Git for versioning.
Its use is not mandatory to work with VBAToolKit, but it is recommended. If Git is setup on your computer, VBAToolkit will initialize a git repository when you create a new project. If Git is not setup, VBAToolkit will just create the project without initializing the Git repository. You can download the executable Setup file from

When setting up Git, choose one of the option Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt or Run Git and included Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt if you want VBAToolKit to nicely interact with Git. The safer option is to choose Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt. You could also install Cygwin on your PC to get full capabilities of Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt.

Configuring Git environment

VBA language and VBA projects are not cross platform. Choose the Checkout as-is, Commit as-is option.

Configuring Git Line ending conversion

MZTools 3.0

MZTools 3.0 for VBA is a free Add-In for the VBA IDE that provides useful features for writing VBA code. Its use is not mandatory to work with VBAToolKit, it is just an option you could consider. You can download the executable Setup file from

MZTools Toolbar

VBA Toolkit (for Office 2007-2010)

  1. Download the last stable version of VBAToolKit. Xlam icon

  2. Move VBAToolKit.xlam in the relevant Microsoft Add-Ins folder. For WinXP: C:/Documents and Settings/<UserName>/Application Data/Microsoft/AddIns if you want VBAToolkit to be available for your user account or C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/<OfficeVersion>/Library if you want VBAToolkit to be available to every user on the system (you'll need to have admin rights). For Windows 7: C:/Users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/AddIns if you want VBAToolkit to be available for your user account or C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Office/<OfficeVersion>/Library if you want VBAToolkit to be available to every user on the system (you'll need to have admin rights).
    Replace <UserName> by the session name of the user and <OfficeVersion> by the internal name of your Office version : Office11 for Office 2003, Office12 for Office 2007 and Office14 for Office 2010.

  3. Open Excel and click on the Office Button at the top left of the Excel Windows, Then Click on Excel Options on the popup window to Open the Excel Options Window

  4. For Excel 2007 or Excel 2010, go to the Macro Parameters and authorize the Access to VBA Model Object Excel Macro Parameters

  5. Select Add-Ins then select Manage Excel Add-Ins and press Go Excel Add-Ins

  6. In the Add-In window you just opened, check the box near VBAToolKit to install it and use it with Excel Install VBAToolKit

  7. Now you can see the VBAToolKit Toolbar in Visual Basic Editor VBAToolKit Toolbar