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VBAToolKit feature : Hidden Capabilities

Championnat edited this page Feb 11, 2015 · 15 revisions

Some capabilities are not yet integrated on the user interface of VBAToolKit but are available by hacking ways: These are the Hidden Capabilities.

Be careful however; Most of these capabilities are not fully tested

List of references name and GUID

It's possible the get the name and GUID of references of the Active Workbook by running the subroutine vtkDisplayActivatedReferencesGuid of the vtkProjectCreationUtilities module.

Initialize a configuration sheet

In the process to convert an Excel Workbook to a VBAToolKit project, one step is to create a configuration sheet. It's possible to do it with the subroutine vtkInitializeConfigurationForActiveWorkBook of the vtkConfigurationManagers module. This subroutine:

  • does nothing if the active workbook already contains a vtkConfiguration worksheet
  • initialize the worksheet with all VBA modules contained in the workbook
  • a BeforeSave event handler is optionally added to the new ActiveWorkbook
  • manage VBAUnit, Tester class and standard modules appropriately
  • the suffix "_DEV" is appended to the project name
  • the Excel workbook is saved as a new file with DEV appended to the name
  • the Delivery version is described in configuration but not created
  • the reference sheet is created and initialized according to the actual references

Verify configurations

It's possible to verify the configurations description of the current VTK project with the subroutine vtkVerifyConfigurations of the vtkConfigurationManagers module. The performed verifications are:

  • All configuration pathes are reachable
  • It's possible to open all configuration workbooks
  • Each configuration project name is set accordingly to the projectName property
  • Each configuration workbook title is set accordingly to the projectName property
  • Each configuration workbook comment is set accordingly to the comment property
  • Each configuration template path is reachable
  • All modules listed in a configuration description are existing in the configuration
  • All modules really present in a configuration are described in the description with non null path
  • All modules pathes are reachable
  • Each code module implemented in a configuration is the same as the source code module
  • All references listed in a configuration description are existing in the configuration
  • All references really present in a configuration are described in the description

Get code changes

  • Open SynchroFFT_DEV.xls and go to "Ouvrir" on Microsoft menu.
  • Select fttSynchro.xls on Delivery repository
  • Open Visual Basic
  • On execution window, write Debug.Print If the answer is fttSynchro.xls, that's ok, else activate fttSynchro.xls `
  • On execution window, write VBAToolKit.vtkExportConfiguration projectWithModules:=ActiveWorkbook.VBProject, projectName:="SynchroFFT", confName:="SynchroFFT", onlyModified:=False
  • Get code changes