An implementation of DJB's netstring encoding format for Lua/LuaJIT.
local netstring = require'netstring'
-- 1:1,3:hey,6:here's,4:some,10:netstrings,0:, nil
-- you can also encode a table, provided it's like an array
-- keys are sorted numerically before encoding into netstrings
print(netstring.encode({ [50]="is", "this", [100]="supported" }))
-- 4:this,2:is,9:supported, nil
-- if the table has non-numeric keys, you'll get a table of errors
-- as the second return value. numeric keys are still encoded
local ns, errs = netstring.encode({ "this is fine", problem="this is not fine", "this is also fine"})
-- 12:this is fine,17:this is also fine,
for i in pairs(errs) do
-- arg 1 key "problem" is not numeric
local results, remains = netstring.decode("3:cat,4:dogs,5:uhohthisiswrong,")
for k,v in pairs(results) do
-- 1 cat
-- 2 dogs
-- 5:uhohthisiswrong,
string, errs = netstring.encode(...)
Takes any number of arguments and returns a string of concatenated netstrings, and a table of strings describing encoding errors.
table, string = netstring.decode(string)
Attempts to decode each netstring passed to it, returns a table of decoded netstrings, and a string containing any unprocessed data.
The MIT License (see LICENSE)