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ajpiano edited this page Oct 1, 2012 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the first-ever jQuery Developer Summit!


View the Attendance Roster to see which table you're at. Feel free to add/update/fix/whatever your github username and twitter handle next to your name.

Each table's wiki page has a list of requirements you'll need to participate: the technologies you'll need to have installed, the repositories you'll need to have cloned, etc. The time to get these major pieces configured is before the Summit begins, but we're here to help if you have any trouble.

While it may not be 100% necessary for participation at every single table, if you don't have a GitHub account, this is a great time to sign up for one.


We'll be using the #jquery-developer-summit IRC Channel on for event-wide support and communication. If you're unfamiliar with IRC, please investigate how to log onto freenode with an IRC client on your system. You can also use the freenode webchat gateway if you'd like choose. In any case, please don't be a stranger!

For general help regarding table assignment or event questions, contact @ajpiano.

For help with your development environment (e.g., installing git, node, ruby or a local web server) contact @danheberden or your team lead.


Note: look at the Attendance Roster for where you're assigned