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Table 2: Core Bugs

dmethvin edited this page Oct 3, 2012 · 8 revisions

Team Leads

Development Environment

  • an account on github
  • git (or brew install git if you have homebrew)
  • node - install via or install nave: sudo sh -c "$(curl -s '')" && nave usemain stable
  • grunt - npm install -g grunt after you have node

Code Requirements

  • Repo:
  • Make sure you have a fork on your github account. Verify upstream is merged with your origin. If you want to edit and make pull requests, do so on a branch (git checkout -b mybranch) and not master.
  • Make sure soft-tabs are disabled. If your editor supports the editorconfig standard (or has a plugin for it) you may find that to be handy.

Other Requirements

  • an account on
  • an account on (not required but recommended; lets you easily find the fiddles you create)
  • an assortment of browsers installed, or an account on account