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John Ramshur edited this page Mar 25, 2016 · 5 revisions


Below are instructions for the two installation types available for ECG Viewer. Type 1 describes how to install ECG Viewer for use without MATLAB. Type 2 describes how to install/setup ECG Viewer if you have MATLAB installed. If you don’t know what MATLAB is…then Type 1 is for you.

Important Notes – MUST READ

  • Before using the database feature, you must create a datasourse in your Windows environment named "ann_db". See This is only done once. This datasource must point to your Access database file. Please use the annotations.mdb file supplied as a blank database and rename it if needed.
  • If running ECG Viewer in MATLAB, you may have to give MATLAB administrator rights to access the database. Right click on the MATLAB shortcut and click “Run as administrator”.

Type 1: Standalone Application

Software Dependencies: Software needed to run ECG Viewer

  • MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) vxx or higher -OR- MATLAB v20xx or higher
  • Microsoft Access (OPTIONAL) – A MS Access database file is needed for storing annotations. MS Access needs to be installed for its drivers and for viewing the database file.

[Note] Older versions probably work as long as it’s not too old. If you have MATLAB installed you likely already have the MCR installed.

How to Install

  1. Download the MCRInstaller.exe and files from the orignal Sourceforge site: Application/

  2. If you don't have the full MATLAB software package installed you will need to install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) to allow ECG Viewer to run. Run MCRInstaller.exe.

  3. Before using the database features the first time you must create a datasourse in your Windows environment named "ann_db". For details see This is only done once. This datasource must point to your Access database file. Please use the annotations.mdb file supplied as a blank database and rename it if needed.

  4. Unzip the package. Run ECG_Viewer.exe to open the ECG Viewer user interface.

Type 2: MATLAB Source Code

Below are a list of dependencies that must be present and/or installed before using ECG Viewer.

Software Dependencies: Software needed to run ECG Viewer

  • MATLAB v20xx or higher - Older versions probably work as long as it’s not too old. If you don’t have MATLAB, please see Type 1 installation above.
  • Microsoft Access (OPTIONAL) – A MS Access database file is needed for storing annotations. MS Access needs to be installed for its drivers and for viewing the database file.

MATLAB Toolbox Dependencies: Toolboxes needed to run certain aspects of ECG Viewer

  • MATLAB Database Toolbox (OPTIONAL, needed IF you want to use the annotation features)
  • MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox (OPTIONAL, needed IF using wavelet filtering)
  • MATLAB Distributed Computing Engine (OPTIONAL, needed IF using multicore support during beat detection)

File Dependencies: other files needed to run ECG Viewer

  • ecgViewer.m - primary GUI for ECG Viewer
  • fastsmooth.m - signal smoothing function
  • locateOutliers.m - locates IBI outliers or ectopic beats
  • makeTemplate.m - function to create a template
  • matchTemplate.m - template matching function
  • peakDetect.m - function to detect signal peaks
  • annotations.mdb - MATLAB database to hold annotations
  • avg.mexw32 - compiled function for computing the mean (faster than MATLAB’s)
  • crosscorr.mexw32 - compiled function for computing cross correlation coef.

How to Install

  1. Download or clone the ECG Viewer GitHub repository found here:
  2. Run the main.m file within MATLAB command window to open the user interface.

Page Todo

  • update the standalone install section
  • update links
  • add link to download repository and the standalone .zip package