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Auto Architecture

Auto Architecture is a web application that leverages the power of GPT-4 to automatically generate and visualize recommended AWS architectures based on a user's project description. This is an experiment into automated infastructure suggestions.

Running the project

- Navigate to the API folder and run "uvicorn server:app" to run the backend
- Navigate to the autoarch-frontend directory and run "npm run dev"


- shadcn (ui components):
- D3.js (for graph visualisation):
- Gaurdrails AI:
- Nextjs:
- FastAPI:

Project structure

- api: A fastapi api that uses guardrails + openAI API to return AWS architecture   suggestions
- autoarch-frontend: A nextjs project containing the frontend for the app 

Feature Backlog:

- Agent to convert suggestion into terraform script
- User authentication and project saving functionality
- Built-in cost estimation and optimization features
- In-depth architecture explanations and best practices suggestions


We're excited that you're interested in contributing to Auto Architecture! This guide will help you get started and set expectations about the process. Please join the project discord server for updates. You can also ask questions about contributing or setting up the development environment here.

Getting Started

Fork the Repository: The first step in contributing is to fork our repository. This will create a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account that you can make changes to.

Clone Your Forked Repository: After you've forked the repository, clone it to your local machine so you can begin making changes.

Create a Branch: Make a new branch for your changes. This keeps your work separate from other changes and makes it easier for us to review and incorporate your contributions.

Making Changes

Review the Issues Page: We track all bugs, enhancements, and features on the repository's issues page. If you're looking for somewhere to start, this is a good place.

Make Your Changes: Make the changes you'd like to contribute. Try to keep your changes focused and within the scope of the issue you're addressing.

Test Your Changes: Before submitting your changes, please make sure they work as expected and don't introduce new problems.

Submitting Your Changes

Push to Your Fork: Once you're ready to submit your changes, push them to your forked repository on GitHub.

Submit a Pull Request: From your forked repository, submit a pull request to our repository. In the pull request, describe the changes you've made and any issues they address.

After You Submit Wait for Review: We aim to review and respond to pull requests within 3 business days.

Respond to Feedback: If we ask for changes or have questions about your pull request, please respond. We're working together to improve the project, and your insights are valuable!

Join the Discord Server: For additional discussions, queries, or to connect with the community, join our discord server.

Code of Conduct

By contributing, you agree to adhere to our Contributor Covenant. This helps ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone involved in the project.

Remember, everyone you're working with is a volunteer, just like you. Be kind and patient with each other.

Thank you for your interest in our project, and we look forward to seeing your contributions!


GPT-4 powered AWS architecture suggestions and visualization








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