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Share a template between Django and AngularJS

Templates syntax for Django and AngularJS is very similar, and with some caveats it is possible to reuse a Django template for rendering in AngularJS. The classical approach to embed AngularJS template code inside Django's template code, is to use the {% verbatim %} template tag. This tag however deactivates all Django's template parsing, so every block tag must be placed outside a {% verbatim %} ... {% endverbatim %} section. This makes mixed template coding quite messy.

For this purpose use the template tag {% angularjs %}

The template tag {% angularjs %} ... {% endangularjs %} delegates Django's variable expansion to AngularJS, but continues to process the Django block tags, such as {% if ... %}, {% for ... %}, {% load ... %}, etc.

Conditionally activate variable expansion

The template tag {% angularjs <arg> %} takes one optional argument, which when it evaluates to true, it turns on AngularJS's variable expansion. Otherwise, if it evaluates to false, it turns on Django's variable expansion. This becomes handy when using include snippets which then can be used by both, the client and the server side template rendering engines.


A Django ListView produces a list of items and this list is serializable as JSON. For browsers without JavaScript and for crawlers from search engines, these items shall be rendered through the Django's template engine. Otherwise, AngularJS shall iterate over this list and render these items.

Template used by the list view:

<div ng-if="!items">
{% for item in items %}
    {% include "path/to/includes/item-detail.html" with ng=0 %}
{% endfor %}
<div ng-if="items">
{% include "path/to/includes/item-detail.html" with ng=1 %}

Here the scope variable items is set by a surrounding ng-controller. As we can see, the template path/to/includes/item-detail.html is included twice, once defining an additional context variable ng as true and later, the same include with that variable as false.

Assume, this list view shall render a model, which contains the following fields:

class Item(models.Model):
    title = CharField(max_length=50)
    image = ImageField()  # built-in or from a third party library
    description = HTMLField()  # from a third party library

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse(...)

Now, the included template can be written as:

{% load djng_tags %}
{% angularjs ng %}
<div{% if ng %} ng-repeat="item in items"{% endif %}>
    <h4><a ng-href="{{ item.absolute_url }}"{% if not ng %} href="{{ item.absolute_url }}"{% endif %}>{{ }}</a></h4>
    <img ng-src="{{ item.image.url }}"{% if not ng %} src="{{ item.image.url }}"{% endif %} width="{{ item.image.width }}" height="{{ item.image.height }}" />
    <div{% if ng %} ng-bind-html="item.description"{% endif %}>{% if not ng %}{{ item.description }}{% endif %}</div>
{% endangularjs %}

A few things to note here:

The content between the template tags {% angularjs ng %} and {% endangularjs %} is rendered through the Django template engine as usual, if the context variable ng evaluates to false. Otherwise all variable expansions, ie. {{ varname }} or {{ varname|filter }} are kept as-is in HTML, while block tags are expanded by the Django template engine.

The context data, as created by the list view, must be processed into a list serializable as JSON. This list then can be used directly by the Django template renderer or transferred to the AngularJS engine, using a XMLHttpRequest or other means.

This means that the default method get_context_data() must resolve all object fields into basic values, since invocations to models methods, such as get_absolute_url(), now can not be done by the template engine, during the iteration step, ie. {% for item in items %}. The same applies for image thumbnailing, etc.

In AngularJS references onto URLs and image sources must be done with <a ng-href="..."> and <img ng-src="...">, rather than using <a href="..."> or <img src="..."> respectively. Therefore, while rendering the Django template, these fields are added twice.

In AngularJS, text data containing HTML tags, must be rendered using ng-bind-html rather than using the mustache syntax. This is to ensure, that unverified content from upstream sources is sanitized. We can assert this, since this text content is coming from the database field description and thus is marked as safe string by Django.

Python List / Javascript Arrays

The Django template engine accesses members of Python dictionaries using the dot notation. This is the same notation as used by JavaScript to access members of objects. When accessing lists in Django templates or arrays in JavaScript, this notation is not compatible any more. Therefore as convenience, always use the Django template notation, even for JavaScript arrays. Say, in Python you have a list of objects:

somelist = [{'member': 'first'}, {'member': 'second'}, {'member': 'third'},]

To access the third member, Django's template code shall be written as:

{{ somelist.2.member }}

when this block is resolved for AngularJS template rendering, the above code is expanded to:

{{ somelist[2].member }}

otherwise it would be impossible to reuse Python lists converted to JavaScript arrays inside the same template code.

Conditionally bind scope variables to an element with djng-bind-if

Sometimes it makes sense to bind the scope variable to an element if it exists. Otherwise render the same variable from Django's context. Example:

<span djng-bind-if="some_prefix.value">{{ some_prefix.value }}</span>

functionally, this is equivalent to:

<span ng-if="some_prefix.value">{% verbatim %}{{ some_prefix.value }}{% endverbatim %}</span> <span ng-if="!some_prefix.value">{{ some_prefix.value }}</span>

but less verbose and easier to read.