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(unmaintained) Rails engine for generic, infinitely nestable forms

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Nested Fields

An engine designed for generic, dynamic nested forms which may be N>=1 levels deep.

Popular existing solutions for dynamic nested forms in Rails are implemented with javascript rather through controllers, probably because FormBuilders cannot be passed as params.

It relies on some parsing behavior within Rails which may be subject to change.

It handles both has_many and has_one relationships. For has_one, it will allow 0..1 nested associates.


Access demonstration code.


Rails 3, jQuery


nested_fields is not opinionated with regard to markup. Users are encouraged to provide their own styles.


Add nested_fields to the Gemfile and bundle install. The engine’s path provides the necessary javascript.



Each nested has_many association will be bounded by a fieldset with a link to add. Each of its associates will have a link to remove.


Each nested has_one association will be bounded by a fieldset with a checkbox for toggling the presence of an associate.


Include ‘nested_fields.js’ in the layout for the Add and Remove behaviors.

Declare accepts_nested_attributes_for each association. At present, nested_fields assumes that :allow_destroy is true.

Use the nested_fields_for helper method.

<%= nested_fields_for form_builder, :pluralized_association_name %>

For example, where f is a the builder for an object which has_many :associates

<%= nested_fields_for f, :associates %>

The same type of the form builder argument (e.g. Formtastic, SimpleForm, etc.) will automatically be used for the nested fields.


An optional block can be passed which will be displayed as a header.

<% nested_fields_for f, :associates do %>
<% end %>


By default, nested_fields will look for a partial in app/views/associates/_fields.html.erb. This can be overridden with the :nested_partial option.

<%= nested_fields_for f, :associates, :nested_partial => 'path_to/partial.html.erb' %>


By default, nested_fields will provide a fieldset legend with the pluralized, titleized name of the associate class. This can be overriden with the :legend option.

<%= nested_fields_for f, :associates, :legend => 'My Title' %>


The :positioned_by option takes in the name of a field which is used for positioning (e.g. acts_as_list). It will cause the association’s fieldset to have the .positioned class and a data-positioned-by attribute with the value.

A javascript function is provided which sets the values of existing (non-removed) inputs which have id’s ending in the value in the order they are displayed.

repositionNestedFields(nested_fieldset, position_field)


The nested_fields_changed custom event is fired by a nested associate’s div after being dynamically added/removed.


Inspired by Ryan Bates’ nested_form which itself is based on Tim Riley’s solution.


(unmaintained) Rails engine for generic, infinitely nestable forms






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