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A showcase application built with Vite and React. Powered by The Cats API.

Live demo


Important! The Cats API does only support filtering with query parameters when used with an API key. If you want to run the app locally, you need to grab a key from the Cats API website and put it in a .env file, like this:


What exactly does not work?

The limit query parameter does not work without an API key and always returns 10 entries. I didn't want to hack around this as this is a bad practice.


How to run

Run in development mode

pnpm install
pnpm dev

Run in production mode

pnpm build
pnpm preview


Following libraries and technologies were used in this project:



I heard a lot about Zustand and it's simplicity. As I never had the opportunity to work with it, I decided to check out its capabilities in this project. What I was looking for in a state management for this project was high React integration (e.g. state selector hooks out of the box), strategies for preventing rerenders and easy nested state updates (e.g. integration with immer).


I love the Utility CSS approach and found out that it's very effective in prototyping and generally fast development. It gives a lot of performance benefits out of the box as you only fetch the CSS you use in your markup, and the reusability level is very high. I did choose UnoCSS over Tailwind as it is a lot faster (vs Tailwind's JIT), more customizable, and gives some cool features out of the box like e.g. pure css icons.


Icons have been taken from an open-source project called Lucide. Integrated easily with the brilliant UnoCSS icons preset.


For a detailed description and overview of the architecture, check this document.

Shortcomings / Todo List

A list of issues and things that I'm aware of that should be improved to make the project production-ready.

Unit tests

There are no unit tests. No tests for the domain logic, no tests for the UI components. This should be surely addressed.

End-to-end tests

Like above, it would be great to have some end-to-end tests of the app. If so, I'd probably suggest Cypress.

Semantic HTML

To be honest, I didn't care about it too much knowing the time limitations so I spammed div's wherever I could 😅 There are certainly some places for improvement here.


There are a few problems and places which could be improved:

  • accessibility
  • keyboard navigation

Continuous integration / Continuous deployment

Would be great to have basic build/test/lint/typecheck GitHub Actions that could check stuff every commit without the need to do it locally.


  • I run into an issue with the grid on Safari - it renders initially stretched out and fixes itself on interaction (without any rerender). This seems like a Safari bug in a grid + aspect-ratio scenario. I tried to fix this issue but after a few hours I gave up and left it as is as I had to finish other elements of the solution ☹️

Other improvements / ideas

  • limited time for each turn (counter)
  • setting to choose between cats/dogs
  • multiplayer online (lobby system)
    • player profiles
    • player leaderboards
    • tournamets