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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation 👋

Personal Website, hosted on AWS, built using Terraform and Github actions This is really the simplest website ever, and more of a learning playground.

Infrastructure Diagram

Infra Diagram

Code Deployment

Pushing to the src/ directory will trigger a Github Action that:

  • checks out the current codebase
  • timestamps the index.html file
  • uploads the contents of src/ to S3
  • triggers a cache invalidation in CloudFront

For more information on the upload script, check out jsjohnstone/s3-site-deploy.

Infrastructure Deployment

The infra/ folder contains terraform scripts to deploy (most) of the infrastructure for this site:

  • CloudFront Distribution for CDN
  • ACM Certificates for SSL certificate management
  • Route 53 Zones and Records for DNS Management
  • ...and S3 Buckets for code storage

These infrastructure scripts use a jsjohnstone/infra-shared/webapp.


├── .github/workflows/       # CI/CD Workflows
├── docs/                    # Additional files used in the project
├── infra/                   # Infrastructure Code
|   ├── prod/                # Production Environment
|   └── staging/             # Staging Environment 
├── src/                     # Website source