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xrdp chansrv protocol

jsorg71 edited this page Jul 26, 2018 · 4 revisions

First message is xrdp to chansrv

uint32 version      - always 0
uint32 size         - bytes from version to end
uint32 id           - cmd id
uint32 size         - bytes from id to end

id   1     init                    xrdp to chansrv   depreciated
id   2     init response           chansrv to xrdp   depreciated
id   3     channel setup           xrdp to chansrv
id   4     channel setup response  chansrv to xrdp   depreciated
id   5     channel data            xrdp to chansrv
id   6     channel data response   chansrv to xrdp   depreciated
id   7     channel data response   xrdp to chansrv   depreciated
id   8     channel data            chansrv to xrdp
id   9
id  10     rail drawing orders     chansrv to xrdp
id  11
id  12     drdynvc open            chansrv to xrdp
id  13     drdynvc open response   xrdp to chansrv
id  14     drdynvc close           chansrv to xrdp
id  15     drdynvc close response  xrdp to chansrv
id  16     drdynvc data first      chansrv to xrdp
id  17     drdynvc data first      xrdp to chansrv
id  18     drdynvc data            chansrv to xrdp
id  19     drdynvc data            xrdp to chansrv
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